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Search: nanotechnologyDMOZ Categories (1-5 of 100)
  1. Science: Technology: Nanotechnology (103)
  2. Science: Technology: Nanotechnology: Research Groups and Centers (31)
  3. Science: Technology: Nanotechnology: Academic Departments (24)
  4. Science: Technology: Nanotechnology: Publications: Books (22)
  5. Science: Technology: Nanotechnology: People (11)


DMOZ Sites (1-20 of 386)
  1. - An online resource for architects and designers. The site focuses on the architectural implications of nanotechnology. Mission: to inform architects about nanotechnology, to track emerging developments in nanotechnology that will revolutionize design, and to feature works that are enabled by nanotechnology.
  2. nanogloss - Online dictionary of nanotechnology.
  3. Nanoshop - A selection of nanotechnology related products.
  4. Yahoo Groups: Nanotechnology - Active nanotechnology discussion group.
  5. Understanding Nanotechnology - Website that provides clear explanations of nanotechnology applications.
  6. Nanodictionary - A nanotechnology dictionary. The site classifies the terms related to nanotechnology into 9 different categories.
  7. - Directions in nanotechnology: Updates on progress toward advanced objectives in nanotechnology and nanofabrication
  8. Scientific American - Nanotechnology articles, some free and some archived.
  9. Nanotechnology Now - Provides introduction to nanotechnology, general information, images, interviews, news, events, research, books, glossary and links.
  10. The Nanotechnology Age - A collection of information on nanotechnology issues, in particular molecular manufacturing.
  11. Xerox/Zyvex Nanotechnology - Former Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Nanotechnology page: brief introduction to core concepts of molecular nanotechnology (MNT), and links for further reading.
  12. How Stuff Works: How Nanotechnology Will Work - Animated narrative shows how Nanotechnology has the potential to totally change manufacturing, health care and many other areas.
  13. Ethical Issues in Nanotechnology - A starting point for exploring ethical, social, and environmental implications of nanotechnology.
  14. European Commission - Nanotechnology Homepage - This web service provides an overview of nanotechnology related activities across the European Community's programs. Note: The site has been archived and will no longer be updated.
  15. Advanced Technologies Center (ATC) - Development and production of scanning probe microscopes and software, scientific research in nanotechnology.
  16. Molecular Manufacturing Shortcut Group - Promotes developing nanotechnology as a way to facilitate space exploration and settlement.
  17. Small Times - Daily articles covering MEMS, nanotechnology, and microsystems, with a business angle.
  18. Nano Science & Technology Institute - Events, publications and news in nanotechnology, microtechnology and biotechnology.
  19. - Provides information for nanotechnology and research.
  20. NanoGallery - General nanotechnology information site.


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