Data Mining and the Social Web - Data Mining is a powerful tool that is designed to gather large sets of data at, incredible speed and analyze them. Most companies use this tool to better understand their customer’s habits as well as their interests. Advertisers love this tool because it allows them unprecedented, amount of access to information. Most people are unaware that their data is being mined, bundled, and sold by a company to third party advertisers in order to make targeted ads more effective. This is a problematic practice because users are unaware that in most social media sites such as Facebook,GoogleAmazon, Apple,, these companies, warehouse knowledge, Big Data...  Data Mining and the Social Web - Data Mining is a powerful tool that is designed to gather large sets of data at incredible speed. (the technology field is the most volatile and disruptive;)
 - Robots always had a special place in mankind’s heart. There has always been an aura of mystery and discovery surrounding them. What is a robot? defines a robot as “an automatically guided machine which is able to do tasks on its own.” That is a good definition of a robot...

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