

Analysis of Current Military Robots and Capabilities - Many robots can be categorized into two categories: autonomous and teleoperated. Autonomous robots are self-sustaining robots that can decide for themselves without outside control and can be operated for an extended period of time. The iRobot Roomba household robotics vacuum would be considered an autonomous robot; it can navigate itself through a house without control from a human. Newly emerging self-driving cars are also autonomous. They require no input from a human to navigate through roads and is self aware of other obstacles around it....   [tags: teleoperated robots, suspected bomb] 
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Powerful Essays[preview]
Military Autonomous Robots (LAR) as Weapons - Military Autonomous Robots (LAR) as Weapons Thesis statement: There are various social and political implications surrounding the use of lethally autonomous robots (LAR) as military weapons. The military use of lethally autonomous robots (LAR) is not science fiction – it is happening right now. A robot is a mechanism guided by automatic controls. Autonomous robots are able to independently maintain stability and plan action. The first generation of military robots have operated under direct human control....   [tags: Lethally Autonomous Robots, Weapons] 
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1515 words
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Powerful Essays[preview]
Who is Responsible for Military Robots’ Lethal Actions? - I) Introduction Robotic technology has enabled the US military to use autonomous robots (or unmanned systems, UMS) in modern warfare. In the war with Iraq, the US military sent 12000 ground robots at the end of 2008 (P. W. Singer). One of the most popular robots used in Iraq is the iRobot Packbot, an unmanned ground vehicle, which is capable of detecting and destroying improvised explosive devices. Exploiting robots in warfare can save lives of many human soldiers. Moreover, robots are faster, have longer endurance, high precision and immunity to chemical and biological weapons (Ronald Arkin).In the National Defense Act of 2001 the U.S....   [tags: Killer Robots Ethics] 
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2129 words
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Strong Essays[preview]
Physics of Robots - Definition of a Robot A Robot is a reprogramable, multi-functional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or a specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of variety of tasks. In order to make a robot do anything it has to have a program or a set of programs that tell it to do certain tasks. Robots come in all different shapes and sizes. Some robots have been used to try and look and behave physically like a human being. Other robots are used for home entertainments....   [tags: physics robot robots]817 words
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Strong Essays[preview]
Industrial Robots and Manufacturing Automation - Industrial Robots and Manufacturing Automation Abstract Automation started out as an assembly line of workers doing the same repetitive task all day long. Some of the jobs were very boring, dirty, unpleasant, and possibly dangerous. After the introduction of the first robot in 1961, automation began to advance in ways people could only imagine. Each of the six basic styles of robot used in industry today were designed with different applications in mind. Some of the robots were designed for assembly, others are more suited for simple pick and place applications, while a select few are capable of carrying heavy loads over a large area....   [tags: Robots Automation Essays] 
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3059 words
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Powerful Essays[preview]
The Development of The Robots - In the 60‘s, 70‘s and 80‘s a Hannah Barbara production of “The Jetsons”, a family living in the year 2062 was a popular TV cartoon. The space age family age looks like our families with the exception of Rosie, a robot that manages the household. This might have been a far fetched idea back than however we may all have our own Rosie's, a personal home robot to tackle many jobs that we don’t like or have time to do. The development of the robot is being produced to look and behave like a human. It is with these characteristics that humans will relate to and probably trust to manage our own personal needs....   [tags: quick diagnosis, the jetsons, space age] 
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Better Essays[preview]
Human Perception of Domestic Robots - Robots are now used in domestic environments to perform a range of useful tasks or functions. Thus, it is required that they must carry out these tasks or functions in a manner that is socially acceptable, comfortable and effective for people it shares the environment with and interacts with. In order to have an effective human-robot interaction, physical embodiment and behavior of domestic robots played a significant role. Previous studies have proved that the physical appearance of domestic robots had an impact on the expectations of people from the domestic robots....   [tags: Artificial Intelligence] 
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Ethical dilemma of robots in soceity - In recent years, robotics has become increasingly applicable in our society due to their usefulness. Initially, robots were automated machines that performed a limited amount of tasks, but over time, their usefulness has increased, as has their complexity. Throughout these years, engineers and scientists have improved robotic capabilities to the point that they are comparable to human abilities in several aspects. The first industrial robot was created in the 1960’s , used by the General motor assembly line for welding parts to auto bodies, according to the International Federation of Robotics ....   [tags: robotics, Sherry Turkle, David Noble] 
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Human Perception of Domestic Robots - In this section, we will explore the results of some previous studies to identify the factors that affect the human perception of domestic robots, in general. By human perception, I mean what people think of appearance of domestic robots – machinelike or humanlike, the preferences and expectations of people from the domestic robots in terms of physical embodiment and capabilities. Researchers had found that human perception of domestic robots was greatly influenced by the science fiction movies and previous experiences [2, 4]....   [tags: Research Analysis ] 
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1101 words
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Strong Essays[preview]
The History of Robots and Their Effect on Society - Think back to a time way before mass production and the inventions that powered them. A time when everything was made by hand with blood, sweat and time. These goods usually faced many problems quality wise, took longer to produce and could not be made any smaller because of human inability. Today, when people buy something new they usually don't think about who made it and what had to happen to create it. While most people can think of foreign workers making all of their products there is also another worker which plays a major role in the production of goods in our world....   [tags: innovation, robotics, automatons] 
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1266 words
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Robots - Robots always had a special place in mankind’s heart. There has always been an aura of mystery and discovery surrounding them. What is a robot. Wikipedia defines it as “an automatically guided machine which is able to do tasks on its own.” That is a good definition of a robot, but there are few exceptions too. The term “robot” was first created by Josef Capek. It was used by his brother Karel Capek in his play Rossum’s Universal Robots. The word literally means “work” in Czech. The science fiction author Isaac Asimov was the first person to use the word “robotics” in his short story "Liar!" One of the first robots was thought up by Leonardo Da Vinci....   [tags: Technology] 
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Industrial Robots in Toyota Manufacturing - Introduction The concept of robotics is one that has been embraced in many fields. Robotics has many areas of application ranging from food and beverage to manufacturing and assembly. The basic functions and actions of robots include the ability to sense (Forge, et al. 19). The second robotic function is the ability to think through complex programming and processing capabilities (Forge, et al. 19). The third robotic function is the ability to act with immediate effect (Forge, et al. 19). Toyota has been instrumental in implementing robotics in its manufacturing plants for a variety of reasons....   [tags: Robotics, Manufacturing, Assembly] 
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1375 words
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The Argument of Whether Robots Are Human - “Man is a robot with defects,” (Emile Cioran, The Trouble With Being Born). Humans' are not perfect, but we seem to strive for perfection, so who is to say that in the future robots will not out number the human race on Earth. In Star Trek: The Next Generation, the character Data is very much a robot and not human, being composed of inorganic materials but designed with a human appearance (an android), but does that make it just a robot. In the show it is proposed that for one to be a sentient being and a person they must possess three qualities, intelligence, self-awareness, and consciousness....   [tags: Intelligence, Technology] 
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The Origin of Robots - The Origin of Robots Over the years mankind has advanced greatly in the field of technology and day by day we continue to advance. The future holds many possibilities, one of which is living in a world with robots. Isaac Asimov shared his view of this possible future in his novel I, Robot. His view portrays robots as machines superior to humans mentally and physically. If robots are superior to humans, how do humans control the robots. Humans create the three Laws of Robotics, which are instilled into the positronic brains of every robot created....   [tags: Asimov I Robot Essays] 
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Robots Shouldn't Replace Human Labor - With the development of technology in the world, people are faced with many things they never saw and knew before. In this modern life, technology has affected a lot in people’s lives in many levels. Robot is considered as an important product of technology. Robot was introduced by a writer, Karel Čapek, from the Czech word, robota, meaning “forced labor” or “serf”. Čapek used the word Robot in his play, R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) which opened in Prague in January, 1921, a play in which automata are mass-produced by an Englishman named Rossum....   [tags: humanoid, forced labor] 
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Powerful Essays[preview]
Are Surgical Robots really the Future of Medicine? - Knowledge is a basic fundamental right of today’s society. Individuals from across the globe strive to take their intentions one step further for reasons such as recognition, money, or the satisfaction of learning new things. There are no limits to learning new things since there is always new information that shapes our understanding of the specific topic; therefore, there is no one to question why one wants to build their knowledge, since it can only be a benefit to society. When Edward Jenner came up with the first vaccine to cure smallpox, society didn’t frown upon the fact that hundreds of Americans were saved from this deadly disease....   [tags: healthcare technology, equipment] 
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Powerful Essays[preview]
Robots and Their Effect on Society - Robots and Their Effect on Society If you think robots are the kind of thing you hear about in science-fiction movies, think again. Right now, all over the world, robots are performing thousands of tasks. They are probing our solar system for signs of life, building cars at the General Motors plants, assembling Oreo cookies for Nabisco and defusing bombs for the SWAT team. As they grow tougher, more mobile, and more intelligent, today’s robots are doing more and more of the things that humans can’t or don’t want to do and in many cases taking away the need for human labor....   [tags: Technology Science Essays] 
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Robots - Robots Webster’s New World Dictionary defines a robot as any anthropomorphic mechanical being built to do routine manual work for human beings. This term was popularized by the Czech dramatist Karel Capek (1890-1938) in his 1921 play Russum’s Universal Robots (R.U.R.). The term has been used in fiction to describe self-controlling machines that resemble human beings. This concept has been the basis of stories starting centuries before, but has become popular due to the writings of science fiction writers and movies....   [tags: Papers]2030 words
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Strong Essays[preview]
Robots for People: Do We Really Need Them? - Robots for people: Do we really need them. Introduction: Scientific progress makes huge milestones toward developing new advanced technologies which are more and more present in human lives. Today robots replace people in many spheres such as health care, security and military, industry, education, entertainment and science. Role of robots becomes more significant because they are able to do the job which people are not able to perform well. Sometimes people are too lazy to do some routine work, due to such situation those tasks could be delegated to machines....   [tags: Technology ]
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Technology - Robots Enlisted as Sodiers - Robots Enlisted as Sodiers "Attack, Attack" the soldier typed into the computer as quickly as he could. He types every little action he wants the robot to respond to, in this specialized computer made for the robot. He directs the robot through the territory, through rocks and potholes, avoiding hidden land mines. After spotting human figures on the screen, the robot informs the soldier of enemies lurking ahead. This all started in the summer of 2013, during the next World War (World War III)....   [tags: Exploratory Essays Research Papers]1344 words
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Strong Essays[preview]
Career Controversy: Should robots be allowed to act autonomously? - The progress man has made in the field of technology is becoming exponentially greater. Each decade sees more progress than the century preceding it, than that century did of the millennium preceding it. As our innovation drives us towards greater results, the time at which robots may take on human-like intelligence comes ever closer. Philosophers and engineers alike have been grappling with questions related to that time for the last half-century. Yet as we march forward in this brave new world, other, much more intricate questions, such as those surrounding the ability of robots to complete tasks which require intelligence, the ability and right of robots to feel emotion, and the ethical c...   [tags: Artificial Intelligence] 
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2332 words
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Term Papers[preview]
robots &machines for the Empire - ROBOTS & MACHINES FOR THE EMPIRE THE GEORGE LUCAS NIGHTMARE. Coming very soon to a theater of war near you, your family and your home, will be the machines and robots which will greatly magnify and make more mobile the State’s deadly force for deployment against its eternal enemy: the people. Government Executive Magazine, traditionally pro-federal government, includes an article in its April 15th issue entitled "Future Combat Zone." Staff correspondent George Cahlink begins his article, "Six years ago, the Army decided to stake its future on an untested approach to acquiring futuristic weapons in support of a grand theory about the nature of 21st century warfare....   [tags: essays research papers]1802 words
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Strong Essays[preview]
Tiny Robots in Your Bloodstream: The Future of Medicine - The thought of microscopic robots traveling through your body may seem like a science fiction novel from the 1960’s but, in the next decade or so, it may become science fact. Imagine clogged arteries being swept clean, cancer cells detected and destroyed and kidney stones being dissolved, all done by minute robots, eliminating the need for costly and invasive surgery. These are just some of the possible applications of nanotechnology in medicine, also known as nanomedicine. Nanomedicine can dramatically improve medicine and healthcare beyond our imagination....   [tags: Technology, Nanotechnology]1524 words
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Better Essays[preview]
Service Providing Robots - Many years ago, service-providing robots have been considered no more as fictitious thoughts made by deranged scientists and professors. In recent years, people have seen it become a reality. Within the past few years, many robotic products have come out that provide services for humans. Demand for these products have increased dramatically since then. One such robot is the Roomba, by iRobot. One author stated, “Uh oh. Somebody’s going to have to clean this up, I thought, looking down at the sausage and hamburger bits all over the carpet…As I went to get the vacuum cleaner, I wondered if it was time to get a personal robot.” He isn’t alone, stating that more than 1.5 million domestic clean...   [tags: Robotics] 
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Robots and Machines for the Empire - Article Critique - Robots and Machines for the Empire - Article Critique Coming very soon to a theater of war near you, your family and your home, will be the machines and robots which will greatly magnify and make more mobile the State's deadly force for deployment against its eternal enemy: the people. Government Executive Magazine, traditionally pro-federal government, includes an article in its April 15th issue entitled "Future Combat Zone." Staff correspondent George Cahlink begins his article, "Six years ago, the Army decided to stake its future on an untested approach to acquiring futuristic weapons in support of a grand theory about the nature of 21st century warfare....   [tags: Politics Article Analysis]1785 words
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Qualia, Robots and Complementarity of Subject and Object - Qualia, Robots and Complementarity of Subject and Object Jackson claims that a person who sees colors for the first time by this very fact acquires a certain knowledge which she or he could not have learned in a black and white world. This argument can be generalized to other secondary qualities. I argue that this claim is indefensible without implicit recourse to the first-person experience; also Nagel’s "what it is like" argument is polemically weak. Hence, we have no argument able to dismiss physicalism by consideration of first-person qualia (contra Jackson); however, it does not force us to endorse qualia-reductionism....   [tags: Philosophy Papers] 
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Technology and its Evolution: A Brief Summary - From a kid paying a DDoSer to shut down a business’s website, to an expert hacker coding a robot uprising, it only takes one person to ruin technology for everyone else. Does that mean technology is bad. Of course not. That would not be the logical thing to do. There will always be a bad apple in the bunch to try to mess things up, but they need to be punished and have the technology improved. In Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury approaches the effects of technology in his novel by talking about the wonders of technology and all it can do to make life easier....   [tags: Telephone, Robots] 
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How Humans and Robots are Presented in Blade Runner - How Humans and Robots are Presented in Blade Runner "Blade Runner" is a science fiction film set in Los Angeles in the year 2019. Nuclear war had just ended which caused large-scale devastation such as dramatic climate change, genetic change and all animals on earth becoming extinct apart from artificial ones. The Tyrell Corporation developed the artificial animals, which also happen to be the creators of Androids (Artificial beings) which the film is based on. The film "Blade Runner" revolves around the Nexus 6 series of Androids these androids were built to do the hard, tiresome jobs on off-world colonies....   [tags: Papers Blade Runner Film Essays]2987 words
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Surveillance Robot with Obstacle Sensing and Motion Detector - The Proposed system focuses on the design and construction to make a design the robotic as in the base of Surveillance application. At the same all the things are done by human begins manually. The proposed system in case of low power consumption by ARM microcontroller. Proposed system in to two section which is Robotic section and monitoring section respectively. In the robotic section ultrasonic sensor is used for the obstacle detection .So the robotics keep its path for detection obstacles in the Rural region or Urban region....   [tags: Surveillance, Robots, Design, Construction] 
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Strong Essays[preview]
Robotics Will Improve our Way of Living - Robotics have come a long way from their first start in early greek mythology. They have provided us with numerous products including: houses that send updates to a phone, drones, surgical instruments, prosthetics that act like real human limps, machines that speed up assembly lines, vacuums that don’t need to be pushed, and machines that help disabled individuals perform small tasks. All these products greatly impact several aspects of our modern world, and they are all examples of robots. Karel Cepek is a Czech science-fiction writer who invented the word robot (“THE”)....   [tags: robots, briggo, humanoid, robotics] 
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Technology is Taking Over and Replacing Humans - The robots are taking over and planning to destroy humanity as it currently stands. They’re smarter, faster, and stronger making them superior to humans in every way. Because humans were too lazy and put all their faith in technology it was easy for the machines to rise up and take over. Soon all of humanity will be enslaved by robots and computers. This is the plot for thousands of science fiction movies and novels in which humans make computer, personal robots servants, and other technology that are so advanced and make life easier that in the end humankind has lost most of its intellect and physical abilities dooming the world to a fate that has inspired many armageddon theories....   [tags: computers, robots, calculators] 
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Manufacturing Activities in the United States - Viewing the Globe in the Present Day and 50 Years from Now US factories have reached the point where we could offset a portion of those labor costs by saving on logistics. US factories have come to the conclusion and them announced that they were shifting some manufacturing jobs back to the United States. I believe that most of the manufacturing jobs that have been lost are gone for good, especially repetitive work on the factory floor. People sometimes think manufacturing is dead in the United States....   [tags: machines, robots, international trade] 
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A Rhetorical Analysis of Michael Lind's "Human Spaceflight Should End" by Wyatt Cheney - Michael Lind is an author, a columnist for, and a policy director at the New America Foundation. In the article “Human Spaceflight Should End,” he favors unmanned spaceflights, arguing that robot space probes have been so successful in space exploration, that human lives should not be risked (Lind, Michael). In my opinion, robot space probes are better suited for space exploration because they do not require oxygen and if the probes get destroyed, there is no emotional attachment. With the closing of the human spaceflight program, many people would argue that this decision is a disgrace to America and its space program....   [tags: Space flight, Robots, Probes] 
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886 words
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Is Developing Artificial Intelligence Ethical? - Accept our robot overlords. Actually, artificial intelligences, not robots. Artificial intelligence or AI is a program that can learn and improve upon itself whether at a sub, equal or above human level. Many believe that AI would bring humanity to an end as we know it, often due to movies such as 2001: A Space Odyssey and Terminator, however those are fictional Hollywood blockbusters, not real life. In reality AI,s don't yet exist, however the human race is close to developing it. AI would improve life in many aspects....   [tags: human-like, robots, revolution] 
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Ethical Issues with Artificial Intelligence - As a society over the past two hundred years scientist have made numerous achievements that few could of dreamed of beforehand. However, some will raise the question of “Will science ever advance to far?” To many people are going to far with the dream of creating artificial intelligence, namely those that could be considered sentient in at least some regard. To understand this lets examine the history, advantages, disadvantages, and finally whether or not creating artificial intelligences would be ethical....   [tags: technology, supercomputers, robots] 
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Frankenstein by Mary Shelley - It has been said that God created man in His own image. Whether this statement is true or not has had no bearing on the desires of mankind to do as God supposedly did, and create a being in its likeness. Ancient Jewish legends tell stories of constructs, known as golems, that were made of worked dirt or mud and brought to life with magic, and would obey any command to the letter (Kopelman Foundation). As mankind turned from the arcane and began to embrace science, so too did the focus of such stories....   [tags: artificial intelligence, robots, monster] 
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Analysis of the Development of Artificial Intelligence - Artificial intelligence has come a long way since the first robot. In 1950, Alan Turing of Britain publishes, Computer Machinery and Intelligence. This book was proposed to be the birth of artificial intelligence as we know it. The first robot that presents the usage of artificial intelligence was built in 1969. The purpose of this robot was to try out navigation using basic tools such as cameras and bump sensors (Marshall 371). Since then, we have made a million robots way better than this one and we’re going to continue doing so....   [tags: internist/caduceus, robots, alan turing] 
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1080 words
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The Concept of Efficiency with Respect to Process in Business Management - Simplify process of production is a way to improve efficacy in business. In past, people have used steam engine in the first industrial revolution and changed the all over the world, and in the last century assembly line have simplify production in lots of factories. Still now, the assembly line is popular in many developing countries, because most companies move their factories, production department or let original equipment manufacturer (OEM) produce their goods. This essay will introduce and discuss the assembly line and industrial robots in developing countries....   [tags: production, OEM, assembly line, industrial robots] 
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886 words
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Issac Asimov's I, Robot - Issac Asimov's I, Robot Asimov’s robots can be described as clumsy, hard-working, cost-efficient, soulless, strong, fast, obedient, human-made, a cleaner better breed, more human than man. Robots can be caring, gentle, self-aware, creative, intelligent and also evil, rebellious. Robots are made out of metal, plastic, aluminum, gears, bolts, wheels, sensors, memory chips, and other gadgets. TEXT STUDY Asimov’s book “I, Robot” is full of exciting short stories about human-robot relations. But the one story that really touched me was the first of the nine: Robbie....   [tags: Asimov Robots Robot]1302 words
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Good Essays[preview]
Creativity and Machine Design - Creativity and Machine Design Robots and machines have become very prevalent within recent years. We use robots to assemble cars, explore dangerous areas, and even as servants to clean our houses. In the future, we might even see robots help in delicate complex tasks like performing surgery. Many people think that the process that goes behind designing a robot is unimaginative, involving a lot of dull equations and assembly lines. In reality, the design process can be very creative. While the process behind designing a machine is creative, it should be noted though that eventually engineers were going to design robots to perform these tasks....   [tags: Technology Robots Papers] 
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Brain Computer Interface Technology - Keywords—component; Artificial Intelligence, BCI, Robot, EEG, Fuzzy Systems. I. INTRODUCTION Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is method to convert brain activities signal to understandable action for machine or robot or any actuator, one of the commonly method to get brain activities is electroencephalography (EEG) system which is easier and low cost and also non-invasive method compare to other brain computer interface systems [1], [2]. In Recent researches of non-invasive brain computer interface based on EEG to control actuators result of create some equipment that controlled with brain, for example electrical wheelchairs [3], mobile Robots [4], humanoid robots [5]....   [tags: EGG, signals, electrode, brain activity, robots] 
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Term Papers[preview]
Industrial Robots and Manufacturing Automation - Since early 2003 the Electrical Inspectorate has been working to raise public awareness of Residual Current Devices (RCDs), with the aim of eventually enforcing the use of these devices as recommended by the standard adopted by the St. Lucia Bureau of Standards for wiring of buildings SLNS/BS 7671: 2001- Requirements for Electrical Installations ¡V IEE Wiring Regulations ¡V Sixteenth Edition. These Regulations though only recently adopted by the Bureau of Standards is the Regulations referred to by the St....   [tags: essays research papers]1977 words
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Hazards of Robots in Manufacturing - Robot Hazards Introduction: the aim of this assignment is to gain general awareness and an understanding of the legal requirements and responsibilities that are involved in the safe working practices associated with robotic assisted manufacture. This is to be achieved by the identification of associated hazards with robotic applications and provide an understanding of how these hazards are overcome. Typical sources of hazards associated with robotic operations within the working environment include....   [tags: Robotics]1632 words
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Humanoid Robotics - There is no definition of a robot that satisfies everybody. International standard ISO 8373 defines a "robot" as an automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose, manipulator programmable in three or more axes, which may be either fixed in place or mobile for use in industrial automation applications. This definition works well for ISO's main concern, industrial robotics, but it doesn't really take care of other realms. Joseph Engelberger, a literal pioneer in industrial robotics, once said, "I can't define a robot, but I know one when I see one." Robots can also be defined in a different way....   [tags: Technology Robots]1685 words
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Robotics-Advancement or Setback? - “Robotics-Advancement or Setback?” “When it comes to robots, reality still lags science fiction. But, just because robots have not lived up to their promise in the past decades does not mean that they will not arrive sooner or later. Indeed, the confluence of several advanced technologies is bringing the age of robotics ever nearer-smaller,cheaper, more practical and cost-effective”. This statement was taken from an article written by Jim Pinto titled, “ROBOTICS TECHNOLOGY TRENDS”....   [tags: Technology Technological Robots Essays]1142 words
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Use of Robots to Clean Ponds and Lakes - Background Water is one of the world’s most important natural resources. It is an essential part of life because it not only sustains life but it harbors many forms of it as well. Therefore, it would be in one’s best interest to make sure this source does not become contaminated and make it useless and harmful. There are several different organisms and chemicals that can be produced that will harm other, and bigger, organisms. A major component of the chemicals and organisms that emerge from contaminated waters is nitrogen....   [tags: Water Chemistry] 
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Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence is a key component to the vision for human-centric computing. Within the wide arena of artificial intelligence, expert systems could become useful for completing specific complex tasks. AI will remain valuable regardless of whether we're able to build fully- functioning robots or human-esque brains. AI, the harnessing of intelligence on the computer, will turn complex thought processes into fast computer simulations; it will be used to analyze past events and predict the future....   [tags: Technology Robots Essays] 
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Artificial Inteligence in John Searle’s paper: Minds, Brains, and Programs - Searle’s paper, “Minds, Brains, and Programs”, was originally published in Behavioral and Brain Sciences in 1980. It has become one of modern philosophy’s (and broadly, cognitive science’s) most disputed and discussed pieces due to the nature of the argument presented in the paper. In said paper, John Searle sought, or should I say, seeks, to dispute the claim that artificial intelligence in the form of computers and programs do, or at the most basic level, could (one day), think for their synthetic selves; essentially it’s a refutation of the idea that computers or programs can actually “understand” in the same way that a human can....   [tags: Robots, Computers, Programs] 
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1961 words
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Term Papers[preview]
Causes and Effects of the Mechanization of the Workplace - The run of human kind for more efficiency, productivity and progress may have just about start to show its dark side. For decades the universal truth was that the better we will be in those categories, the more everyone will benefit. Well, it is turning out that it may not be entirely true. This paper aims to argue and reason why we should be worried about future of workplace, its mechanization to be more specific. It is based on the fact that World has technologically evolved and mechanized in the past decades and some jobs are inevitably gone....   [tags: Economy, Technological Innovation, Robots] 
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1952 words
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Kansas Best Robotics Retrospective - Kansas Best robotics retrospective at kick off day we were a little intimated by the course and the objective but as it went on the objective and goals seemed easier and more attainable. We started with last year’s base and looked to modify it making it faster and more agile for this year’s competition last year’s robot base was large and was thicker than it might have needed to be so we cut off as much excess shortening it and making it thinner to lighten it up and speed it up that way we could grab the balls and bring them back to our spotter who was usually Buckland who did a good job of spotting During both Mall and Game day....   [tags: robots, science, education,]534 words
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The Future of Cyborgs - The Future of Cyborgs Terminator and Bladerunner, portrayed cyborgs or cybernetic organisms as creatures of destruction. Are they really as horrible as the movies make them out to be. They can be more useful than perceived; it is necessary to first perfect the technology involved in creating and operating them. In this paper, I will describe how these cyborgs work and how they are portrayed in the movies. Furthermore, I will explain the helpful ways that they are expected to perform in the future....   [tags: Technology Robots] 
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752 words
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Personal Robot or Not: I Robot - Think ten years into the future, as you come home from work and the house has been cleaned, the kids have started their homework, and dinner is almost finished. After dinner you sit back and relax as your children are put to bed and the kitchen is cleaned, soon you go take a bath that has already been prepared for you. Your personal robot completing the long list of chores you left for it has plugged itself in for the night and will be ready for more work tomorrow. Domestic robots or service robots are machines designed to accomplish household chores....   [tags: personal assistance, Isaac Newton] 
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1386 words
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Pros and Cons of The Robotic Revolution - Before the 17th century, innovations in the world were very few. The largest number of the population was farmers, and they had to grow their own food. On the other side, after the year 1760, when the industrial revolution started, the entire world began to experience a great amount of transformations both economic and social. In the present day, we are still feeling and seeing those modifications. Technology innovations have one of the largest impacts affecting the world nowadays. After all this new technology being developed, a new revolution is approaching; a transaction that may or not change our lives forever....   [tags: Robot Technology Essays] 
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Artificial Intelligence in a Near Future - Technologies and intelligent machines have invaded our world. Sophisticated technology has fascinated people, professionals, students, and children. Modern life emboldens computers’ daily use. Presently, applications in advanced robotic appeared so real that one can believe a humanoid robot will be capable to interact or work side by side with people in a near future. In her January 18, 2010 article, Natasha Lomas researches if people are ready for the biomechanical future revolution, if robots are ready to plug safely into society....   [tags: Technology] 
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624 words
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The Emergence of the Robotic Age - The Emergence of the Robotic Age Everyday technology grows more powerful and influential. As technology increases, people will see more robots in the medical field and have robots doing the jobs that people deem “robot worthy”. The word “robot” was coined in 1921 by a Czech playright known as Karel Capek, but the idea of robots have long been around. Leonardo Da Vinci was the first man to have ever drawn out plans on how to make automaton, and he even made it. Today such miracles are being even furthered, as feats people thought impossible 50 years ago, are suddenly within our grasp....   [tags: tecnology, medical field, Karel Capek] 
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Traffic Control in the US vs Traffic in Kinshasa - In the United States, traffic control as we know it primarily consists of road signs, traffic lights, cameras, and police officers ensure that vehicle drivers, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and trucks are following the laws; so that all can have a safe trip while on the road. It is important to have traffic control measures to prevent collisions, accidents leading deaths, and traffic congestions. In other countries, in particular certain cities, there is no modern way of controlling traffic. The city of Kinshasa, which is the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in Africa had customarily only police officers control traffic....   [tags: police officers, traffic control] 
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Powerful Essays[preview]
Robotics A General Overview of a Robot’s Construction - Humanity was and always is attracted to the concept of an artificial being that would make life easier and more enjoyable. The word Robot was introduced in 1921 by Karel Capek, who was a check writer in his play "R.U.R" (Rossuum's Universal Robots ) that originally meant compulsory labor. Then in 1927 Fritz Lang, in his movie Metropolis was the first to project a robot in the modern meaning. Nowadays the general understanding about robots, according to the Robot Institute of America as of 1979, a robot is perceived as "A reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through various programmed motions for the performance of a vari...   [tags: Robotics ] 
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Term Papers[preview]
History Of Robotics - History Of Robotics Vision: What will robots hold for us in the future. Objective: Learn about the history of robotics Goal: Inform my readers about the history of robotics Task: Researching the history of robotics and reporting on this topic. There’s no precise definition, but by general agreement, a robot is a programmable machine that imitates the actions or appearance of an intelligent creature–usually a human. To qualify as a robot, a machine has to be able to get information from its surroundings and do something physical–such as move or manipulate objects....   [tags: Essays Papers]1240 words
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The Golem: Playing God - “Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction.” These famous words by the painter Pablo Picasso prove true in the infamous Jewish myth, The Golem: How He Came into the World (The Golem), and Karl Capek’s play, Rossum’s Universal Robots (R.U.R.). Throughout history, many persons have tried to play God, through acts like cloning in the 1990’s or simply calling themselves God, as was practice in ancient Egyptian societies. Rarely in time though has man actually succeeded at his game, until comes the notorious Prague golem and R.U.R.s robots....   [tags: Theatre]2093 words
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Robbie by Isaac Asimov - “Robbie” by Isaac Asimov is a short story that takes place in 1998. When this story was written in 1965, the futuristic elements were extremely profound and one could see how the reader might agree with Asimov’s interpretation of the future. His world is detailed, including news events about manned Mars missions, futuristic technology, a technological code of ethics, or the ‘Three Laws of Robotics,’ and convincing personal relationships. However, Asimov got it backwards. Many elements in his world are still science fiction today and while robots do exist in 2010, Asimov’s robots are far more advanced in some areas and far more deficient in others....   [tags: Technolog Advancement] 
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Artificial Intelligence is Dangerous to Humanity - Artificial intelligence has become a big controversy between scientists within the past few years. Will artificial intelligence improve our communities in ways we humans can’t, or will they just cause danger to us. I believe that artificial intelligence will only bring harm to our communities. There are multiple reasons why artificial intelligence will bring danger to humanity, some of them being: you can’t trust them, they will lead to more unemployment, and they will cause more obesity. Artificial intelligence is the development of a computer system that is able to perform tasks of human intelligence like visual perception, speech recognition, and decision-making....   [tags: human intelligence, computer, scientists] 
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Exploring Nano-Robotic Technology - Since the Computer Age, researchers have striven to make all components smaller. For example, the transistor started as large vacuum tubes originally used for phone line amplification in 1947. Since then, miniaturization steps have made transistors as small as 45 nm. Furthermore, materials that have certain properties in bulk have vastly different properties in the nano-scale. With constant new miniature electronics and novel nano-materials, scientists are experimenting with radical new designs for nano-scale automation....   [tags: technology]2315 words
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Limitations on Robotic Technology - Limitations on Robotic Technology Should the progression of robotic technology be limited. Are movies like Terminator foretelling what will happen as the twenty-first century expands its boundaries with robotics. Are robots becoming too smart. Should humans trust robots to learn and act on their own. Can and will robots turn on their masters. In the movie Terminator a robot from the future comes back to forewarn the people that if they do not change the direction that technology is going then the world would be over taken by robots....   [tags: Papers]1536 words
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Creative Destruction of Jobs - Creative Destruction of Jobs The United States, along with many other countries is beginning to move to robotics to help with the workload of many companies. Working robots are becoming a more affordable and logical source of production. Pretty soon they will be found in all major factories. The problem with this is that robots are replacing humans on the job. Some people are saying that all robots should be banned from the work force. On the other hand, people are saying to use them as helpers only....   [tags: Technology Innovation Workforce Jobs]1512 words
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Research on Robotics in Japan: Achievements, Prospects and Applications - Nowadays, technology is a dominant feature in the lives of people around the world. Most of daily life activities involve the use of technology which is expanding every day through scientific innovations. However, such innovations do not always occur in every part of the world, but mostly in technologically developed countries, such as South Korea, the USA and Japan. Presently, the development of robotics science has become a subject of considerable attention in those countries. According to Weng, Chen and Sun (2009, 267), “Technocrats from many developed countries, especially Japan and South Korea, are preparing for the human–robot co-existence society that they believe will emerge by 2030....   [tags: Scientific Research ] 
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Artificial Intellegence: Identification And Description Of The Issue - Artificial Intellegence: Identification And Description Of The Issue Over the years people have been wanting robots to become more Intelligent. In the past 50 years since computers have been around, the computer world has grown like you wouldn't believe. Robots have now been given jobs that were 15 years ago no considered to be a robots job. Robots are now part of the huge American government Agency the FBI. They are used to disarm bombs and remove dangerous products from a site without putting human life in danger....   [tags: essays research papers]686 words
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Basic Elements of Robotics - Basic Elements of Robotics What makes a robot. What is a robot. Well the term robot originally comes from Russia. A Czeck playwright, Karek Capek wrote a play in 1921 (translated in 1923) called "R.U.R.:Rossum's Universal Robots.". The word he adapted is the Czech word "robota" meaning "servitude" or "statute labour". Although the play, which was only run of the mill Science Fiction, faded into history, the word he used remain and now standard in most languages, and means generally the same everywhere....   [tags: Papers]550 words
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Robotics and Automation in Construction Industry: Roles, Challenges and Uses. - 1. Introduction Construction industry in most countries amounts to 10–20% of the GNP, making it the largest economic employing sector. Construction work is labor intensive. Robots are used widely to help human workers in construction sites. They demonstrate an autonomous and simple approach to construction. Therefore, construction robotics has been a very hot research area in the construction industry [1]. The main goal of this paper is to convince the entire construction world to incorporate robotic systems when managing modern buildings to save manpower and improve efficiency....   [tags: technolgy, automatization] 
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Artificial Intelligence: iRobot or Humans, Who Is More Dangerous? - There are many concerns about the negative effects of technological advancement including: threat to privacy, electronic error or malfunction, and automation leading to loss of humanity. Many researchers argue that electronic advancement comes at a negative cost to human performance. Leading computer advancement leads to reliance on technology to perform menial tasks. However, there are arguments that state that humans are in fact the ones who threaten all forms of advancement because the produce majority of the error that risks lives and make mistakes....   [tags: Technological Advancements, Privacy, Effects] 
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Christian Themes in Movie I Robot - Christianity and Culture Assignment on I Robot I Robot I robot is a movie based on the works of an atheistic man, in which there are many theological themes present, which play toward the same questions we ask about our faith each and every day. I Robot is a movie based on the works of Victor Asimnov, a man who wrote several short stories about robots and human kinds interaction. The movie takes place in futuristic Chicago in the year 2035, at a time there are so many robots, that there will soon be one of them in each home....   [tags: Film Movies]1370 words
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Has industrial automation had a positive economic effect? - In this modern society, industrial manufacturing has started the transitions from human labors to automation, especially in developed countries such as Japan, Germany, China and the United States. The usage of robots in technology and industry are common now. According to Rotman, due to the industrial automation in the United States and China, there has been a decline in the number of human labour in the industry today as compared to the 1997 (Rotman, 2013). Japan is the leading country that produces and uses robots the most, followed by Germany and some European countries....   [tags: industrial manufacturing, human labor] 
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The New Age of I Robot - Robots of the world. The power of man has fallen. A new world has arisen: the Rule of the Robots. March. (Capek, 1921). This was a grim scene from the first play to coin the term robot. From the very first literature to use the term robot, these creatures of man were made out to be feared. Now we enter the age where early science fiction authors predicted we would all have our own personal robots. The actual science behind intelligent robotic-thought has been harder than imagined but not impossible....   [tags: Technology ] 
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Electrical Engineering: Changing Society One Product At a Time - What would the world look like without electrical engineering. Electrical engineering encompasses so many fields of interest that people’s everyday lives are affected by the creations that it has made. The world of technology can all stem from the fields of electrical engineering that can be studied. The music heard coming from the speakers, the monitors that show an abundance of information, and even the lights that are lighting a room are all products of electrical engineers. Electrical engineering has many important fields but the ones that are most influential on in society include computer engineering, communications, software and electronic systems....   [tags: Engineering] 
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Term Papers[preview]
The World is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman - “No civilization can survive the time when its agricultural economy is destroyed,” by Lloyd Noble. This quote relates to what people want to start doing in the agriculture field. When it comes to adding robots to something that is as important as agriculture we know that it will start to get destroyed because not only with it stop being picked fresh, but most of all it will make people lose their jobs. In the book The World is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman he explains how our world is advancing when it comes to jobs and technology....   [tags: Literary Analysis, Agricultural Economy] 
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Little Robot, Big Implications - We fall to our mechanized overlords. Their mighty fists smite all of mankind and the ashes left of behind will be nothing more than desperate, animalistic humans. These people must scrounge for food. They live in total anarchy. They endure the resentment of their creations, of their Frankenstein's monster. We live in luxury, overlords of the mechanized. Our mighty fists command them to do as we ask and abide by our laws. They bring us margaritas at the golf course. They abide by a stone-tablet code of ethics....   [tags: Technology] 
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Robotics in Healthcare - The utilization of robotics in the medical field is a cutting-edge technology which continues to develop rapidly. The main purpose for the integration of medical robotics in health-care is to sanction for a greater sense of accuracy in surgical procedures, which is something that has not been previously achieved by human capabilities alone. This sense of accuracy has incremented what makes medical robotics a unique and valuable integration to the field of medicine. The field of medical robotics offers great potential for maximizing the capabilities of medicos and surgeons when performing complex surgical procedures, or when there is a strong need for dexterity and precision in diagnosis and...   [tags: Healthcare ] 
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The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement - “The Goal” is a book written by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox in 1984. The book is very famous in the management field. In 2004, the author published the third revision of it and celebrated selling over than three million copied of it around the world. Also, the goal book is taught in over than 120 collages. The book was recommended by my professor to be read and summarize as an extra credit. The book is about a plant manger in a manufacturing company, Alex, who was hired in this position six months ago....   [tags: business administration books] 
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The War - Original Writing - The War - Original Writing It all started with computers. At first it was simple calculations. Then came the programs, and then came the AI robots. I can't tell you my name because they still might be there. The human race has always been dependent on machines. It was in the early 90's that this dependence slowly grew. Humans at first used machines for simple repetitive tasks, which were tedious and time consuming. As time progressed technology improved, computers started to outrun humans in all aspects of life, such as engineering....   [tags: Papers]1394 words
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Kicking It To Goal State - In 1996, IBM computer scientists developed a chess-playing computer named Deep Blue. Not only did people doubt that it would have the ability to beat a world champion, they found it to be ludicrous that it would be able to beat any average joe. The media was in for a shock when on May 11th, 1997 under regular timed situations, Deep Blue beat the world champion at the time, Garry Kasparov at a game of chess. IBM's Deep Blue innovation has acted as the springboard for the basis of Robocup, and the notion of soccer-playing robots....   [tags: Robot Soccer Technology]1441 words
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Robotics in the Medical Field - The medical field has revolutionized the health and well being of society. Throughout the decades, the medical field has been through sweeping changes that leave society astonished. It seems like each year that passes by, there is a new technological advancement that modernizes the medical field. Not only do these advancements modernize medicine, but they in return aid doctors, nurses, and specialists by improving their effectiveness within the field. About ten years ago, the da Vinci Surgical System was introduced to hospitals and the medical field, in general because the FDA had finally approved the system within the United States (Dunkin)....   [tags: Robotic Surgery, Technology Advancements]1348 words
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