
  • Hangover cures/remedies?
     Best answer: Step 1 - Hydrate your body Start before you go to sleep, every bit of water you get into your system before you go to sleep helps 10 fold over the water you drink in the morning. Keeping your body hydrated is critical in processing the alcohol and preventing a headache caused by dehydration. Drink This: Gatorade, other sports drinks -... show more
    10 answers · Beer, Wine & Spirits · 3 years ago

I had a couple of drinks tonight?
 Best answer: First time really drinking Start before you go to sleep, every bit of water you get into your system before you go to sleep helps 10 fold over the water you drink in the morning. Keeping your body hydrated is critical in processing the alcohol and preventing a headache caused by dehydration. Drink This: Gatorade, other sports drinks -... show more
3 answers · Beer, Wine & Spirits · 3 years ago

  • Long-term effects of secondary amenorrhea?
     Best answer: secondary amenorrhea The medical term used to describe "absence of periods" is amenorrhea. Women normally do not menstruate before puberty What Causes Amenorrhea? Stress Poor nutrition Depression Certain drugs Extreme weight loss Over-exercising Ongoing illness Sudden weight gain or being very overweight... show more
    2 answers · Women's Health · 3 years ago

  • Is it social anxiety?
     Best answer: a quiz to gauge your level of shyness: To use this quiz, rate your answer to each question according to the scale below: Write "0" next to the question if the answer is "never." Write "1" next to the question if the answer is "seldom." Write "2" next to the question if the answer is... show more
    2 answers · Psychology · 2 years ago

  • What's your favourite movie?
     Best answer: movie Pandora James Cameron, Best Picture for Avatar blue aliens. I do recommend you see this science fiction/fantasy film. If you haven't seen Avatar yet, it has a happy ending. As the main character that couldn't walk, his Avatar clone can walk and run. The Avatar story it has more special effects and emotional... show more
    11 answers · Movies · 2 years ago

  • How do you deal with nerves?
     Best answer: Feeling a little stress about a test. This natural reaction is known as the stress response. Working properly, the body's stress response enhances a person's ability to perform well under pressure. Get a good night's sleep. Getting enough sleep helps keep your body and mind in top shape, making you better equipped to deal.... show more
    2 answers · Psychology · 2 years ago

  • How can i get closer and more intimate with my family?
     Best answer: Do family game night. Reading together is a lot of fun and a good way to bond. Cooking and baking together. Your family should spend it's time together. The special activities for each family member. Family movie night. Eat dinner together. Write notes to each other.
    3 answers · Family · 2 years ago

  • Climate Change Calculation Question?
     Best answer: Outgoing energy The average albedo (reflectivity) of the Earth is about 0.3, which means that 30% of the incident solar energy is reflected into space, while 70% is absorbed by the Earth and reradiated as infrared. The planet's albedo varies from month to month and place to place, but 0.3 is the average figure. following... show more
    2 answers · Global Warming · 2 years ago

  • What is the seo & process of SEO ?
     Best answer: 10-basic-seo-tips 1. keep an eye on your page rank with tools like Alexa and the Google toolbar. 2. BEWARE: Putting ridiculous amounts of keywords on your site will get you labeled as a spammer, and search engine spiders are programmed to ignore sites guilty of "keyword-stuffing." 3. be careful not to cross the line... show more
    10 answers · Search Engine Optimization · 2 years ago

  • GUYS! Would you date a girl who has a learning diorder?
     Best answer: Yes! guys like girls who are fun to be around. Life is not about what you know. But who you know! You will need to focus on the things you are good at. Boys like to be the center of your attention. So mostly you just let them do the talking and they will entertain you. As long as you don't talk about it or make a big deal about... show more
    10 answers · Singles & Dating · 2 years ago

  • When guys look at your legs?
     Best answer: you do not want that kind of attention: it makes you feel weird and bad but also kind of good, you do not understand how you can feel both at the same time; You want a guy who likes you for your personality, not for what you wear or how you look; If he is interested or does he ignore you? If he does ignore you then he probably do not... show more
    3 answers · Singles & Dating · 1 year ago

  • Doctor who question!? please help!?
     Best answer: silence in the library his future self gave it to her, that one got destroyed! Sometimes what it does involves blue light (as in Flesh and Stone and the ... is true of all of his extra screwdrivers- Doctor who question!? the blue sonic... show more
    2 answers · Drama · 2 years ago

  • Star Trek Collectible?
     Best answer: eBay! Star Trek fans hang out... A Trekkie or Trekker is a fan of the Star Trek franchise. groups of people fascinated with Star Trek Collectibles- Star Trek fandom groups This is the place where Star Trek fans from all over the world can meet and share ... TREKSPACE - The social network for Star Trek Fans!‎ show more
    2 answers · Hobbies & Crafts · 2 years ago

  • Do siblings have the right to visitation?
     Best answer: In a perfect world, we all would get along perfectly with our extended family members. Even the youngest of kids can understand a basic explanation that includes you loving the person, but that you just don't always get along with that person very well. Many people, unfortunately, have family members who are coping with their own... show more
    1 answer · Family · 2 years ago