New Relationship Advice 2016
New profile photo by Lana

 My best days in Istanbul! I will never forget these wonderful days I spent in the   beautiful city. Istanbul, my love... do you want to see a happy face? look at me, I was happy then.. really!                                             

$Secrets of Great Relationships

  Learn How to Fall Out of Love When You See No Bright Future        Are you in a relationship that leaves you depressed when you think of it? Find out how to fall out of love when you see no happy future together. By Crystal Bowers

Beauty of Art

Self-Taught Artist Discovers Incredible Painting Skills While Taking Care of His Sick Dog. Derbyshire-based painter Darren Reid creates stunning, photorealistic landscapes of serene seascapes, expansive landscapes, and bustling cityscapes. Each work, when looked at closely enough, reveals a layer of acrylic detail that heightens the painting to a hyperrealistic level. A road is not just a road, but a pointillist blend of colors (think Seurat or Pissarro) that fuse together when looked at to play tricks on the viewer's eye. Reid has mastered a strange and awesome technique: how to take impressionist skills and turn them into reality. His paintings, often of stark country houses or gritty industrial pavements, reinvent what it means to look at the world. He shows us there is more than meets the eye at first glance. 

Россия и Мир

Клип про “всемогущего Путина” стал хитом в Сети! Соцсети покорил новый ролик с песней про Владимира Путина. В клипе российский президент представлен таким, каким его, по мнению авторов, видит Дональд Трамп. "Путин - крутой и горой стоит за свою страну, вот бы у нас был такой президент", - поёт исполнитель. У ролика уже около полутора миллионов просмотров. Видеоряд смонтирован из кадров с участием Путина и Трампа, сделанных в разное время. Автор песни также придумал выражение Rootin' Tootin' Putin, что можно перевести как "активный Путин". Клип опубликовал пользователь под ником Аллен Даллес. Так звали американского дипломата и разведчика, которому приписывают создание "плана Даллеса" по развалу Советского Союза.

Beauty & Fitness

Gorgeous Portraits of Ballet Dancers Gracefully Moving through the Streets of Mexico City. Gratitude—that's what New York-based photographer Omar Robles took away with him after his latest experience photographing ballet dancers in urban backdrops. Following his recent trip to Cuba, the talented photographer took his project to Mexico City with the support of Fujifilm, where he once again connected with gifted local dancers to create a striking series of images. The grace, elegance, and athleticism of the dancers' craft is on full display in Robles' photography.

Family plus Love

  9 Old-Fashioned Marriage Principles You Can Break Today 228 Almost everyone knows that old-fashioned people created and still follow different rules of a happy marriage. We should take into account that couples and epochs are different, so some people find these rules fundamental and suitable while others have a blurred vision of the traditions set by our ancestors. Nowadays many couples break these rules and live perfectly happy. Check out the list of 9 old-fashioned marriage principles you can break today. 1. Always sleep together Nowadays many lovely couples have to sleep in separate due to different reasons. Do not feel upset if you face such a thing because it’s not a signal of your love end. Just enjoy the possibility to sleep separately like you did it being a kid. Try to revive new feelings and spend more time together. 2. Fights lead to divorce It often happens that a set of unresolved dilemmas can lead to divorce. It seems to be silly when couples think about divorce having various disputes. There are a lot of ways to resolve problems and tiffs, the main point is to have a desire to be together. You are to stand this grinding period to check the strength of your love. Don’t be afraid to sort out difficulties in your relationship because it’s a healthy thing. 3. Vacation together Sometimes vacations apart can give a new portion of inspiration and strengthen your love. Women and men have different visions and nature, so sometimes it’s necessary to have a girl’s weekend or a boy’s one. Not to feel lonely, try to have a separate vacation at the same period. And remember that every person should have its own space and individual time and it’s not a betrayal. 4. Mutual hobbies When you are in a relationship, it’s not necessary to have only common hobbies. As we know, tastes differ, so you just can talk about your hobbies and share emotions. It’s marvelous if your interests are the same and you have mutual hobbies. Don’t force each other, if you don’t want to make your relationship strained 5. Don’t go to bed angry   Fighting negative emotions isn’t an easy thing, especially when they attack your mind in the evening. To my mind, bedtime is the most productive period of time when different thoughts fill out your conscience and bring on anger. Don’t keep it serious and try to cheer each other up. 6. The honesty vow Being completely honest seems to be impossible, but it doesn’t mean that you should be a liar. Telling the truth all the time is noble, but it can hurt your feelings. You may dislike his hairdo, elements of style or other nonsignificant things and it’s not necessary to say him about them all the time, because it’s a high way to a new tiff. It’s normal to commit little lies, but don’t do the same with more important things and try not to get a habit of a liar. 7. Keep things exciting People often talk that it’s necessary to jazz up the relationship every now and then. Sure, it’s great to try something new, but not every day. We need to get used to new things, actions. That’s why routines can be useful in a way, because it is necessary to get rid of constant stresses caused by trying something new. Bucking your relationship up is necessary, but with reasonable limits 8. It’s over when the spark dies   Typically, relationship starts with a spark and this fire burns forever. Being charmed by our love, we try to keep it burning by all means. Don’t be afraid of moments when your love seems to be lost. It is just necessary to open a new page in the book of your relationship. 9. Avoid opposite sеx friends It’s okay to have opposite sеx friends. When you have such friends, you become all-rounded and it’s not a sign that you are looking for romance. Many friends of mine have opposite sеx friends and it seems to be widespread today. In case you and your guy are very jealous, you can get acquainted with your mutual friends and spend time together. We are free to break rules because they don’t have direct risks to influence on your relationship in a negative way. Just love each other and don’t get caught in an endless loop of old-fashioned rules. Which old-fashioned marriage rule have you already broken?     Do not forget to like, comment and rate the post!

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Trade Mark of GOD

A visualization of United States debt. that's what happens when you have a Central Bank that loans a population its currency, the more you earn the more the national debt increases, americans really are digging  own graves. The services provided to the U.S. citizens do not come close to 114.5 trillion. That figure is only in existence as digital money on the screens at the Federal Reserve.That money was never

Amazing Optical Illusions

South Korea's Awesome Optical Illusion Museum. By Pinar July 3, 2012 World travelers Michael Powell and Jürgen Horn have embarked on an ambitious journey nearly two years ago in which they trek all across the globe, spending three months at a time in each of their chosen destinations. The sightseeing duo document all the places they visit in their travel blog, For 91 Days, with little recaps of their days with accompanying photographs. The ongoing globe-trotting project has led the explorers from the the heart of Savannah, Georgia to the culturally rich nation of Bolivia to their current location in the metropolis of Busan, South Korea.

Beauty of Universe

World Map Reveals the Unique Tourism Slogan of Every Country. Many of us have perpetual wanderlust and are always imagining our next great trip. If you’re searching for a new locale to experience, UK-based travel site FamilyBreakFinder has a map that can help. They’ve produced a world chart that has every country’s (available) tourism slogan on it. The hope is that the alluring phrases will pique your interest in a place you might’ve never considered otherwise.

Красота и Здоровье

  Обманчиво диетические продукты   Мало среди нас найдется тех, кто смог бы устоять перед магией слов «диетический», «низкокалорийный», «фитнес». Продукты с этой маркировкой представляются нам если уж не панацеей от лишнего веса, то хотя бы своеобразным оберегом от него. А между тем не все из них действительно способны помочь нам стать стройнее. Каких стоит опасаться? Разбираемся вместе с диетологами.  Большинство продуктов с пометкой «диетический» на самом деле такими не являются. Мода на диетические продукты пришла к нам с Запада сравнительно недавно: до середины 90-х годов российскому потребителю не приходило в голову искать на прилавках хоть что-то с пометкой «фитнес», «лайт», «низкокалорийный» или «био». Точно так же, как и российскому производителю эти пометки на упаковках писать. С легкой руки маркетологов эти «волшебные» слова на этикетках появились, а хотя бы какой-нибудь смысл в них — нет. «В лучшем случае — это просто лишняя информация, как, например, фраза «подсолнечное масло без холестерина», которое его и так содержать никак не может, но при этом добавляет десятки рублей к стоимости. В худшем — это продукты, не имеющие отношения к здоровым, как, скажем, сухие завтраки, в которых сахара и углеводов — и как следствие пользы — столько же, сколько и в конфетах». По-другому обстоит дело с пометкой «обезжиренный». Такой продукт, как правило, действительно по своему составу отличается от аналогов, этого слова на этикетке не имеющих. Как правило, обезжиренными делают молочные продукты и их производные. Их, считают диетологи, стоит опасаться. «Их, конечно, можно употреблять. Например, с целью снижения калорийности рациона. Однако их польза для организма с точки зрения содержания витаминов сомнительна. Например, из обезжиренного творога не усваивается кальций, поскольку этот элемент из кишечника всасывается только с помощью жирорастворимого витамина D»  «Процент жира в продуктах снижают за счет сухого молока и добавляют фруктовые наполнители вместе со всевозможными «Е». Получается, что низкожировой йогурт не такой уж и диетический, а чаще аллергенный и увеличивающий массу тела за счет избытка простых углеводов». К таким же обманчиво диетическим продуктам эксперты относят и еще несколько: По содержанию сахара такие батончики нередко сопоставимы с конфетами Батончики-мюсли. В сравнении с шоколадными, эти, конечно, выигрывают. Но только с точки зрения сырья, из которого они изготовлены. «Цельные зерна, сухофрукты и орехи в составе, отсутствие пальмового масла и трансжиров отчасти позволяют считать плитки мюсли не самым вредным вариантом перекуса. Однако не стоит забывать, что большинство из них содержит огромное количество сахара или фруктовых соков и сиропов. Что получаем в итоге? Мы съедаем 300 ккал, а голод наступает уже через 20 минут, как если бы мы перекусили вафлями», — объясняет Анна Коробкина.  Tакие батончики могут содержать аллергены — вредные композиции, усилители вкуса, стабилизаторы, разрыхлители. Безопасный вариант: 20 г продукта в качестве десерта 1—2 раза в неделю в первой половине дня — после 15.00 организму будет сложнее усвоить энергию из углеводов, которыми богат продукт. Хлебцы. О том, во что превращает нашу фигуру сдоба, мы прекрасно знаем. А потому нередко «налегаем» на хлебцы, считая их продуктом для талии почти безвредным. «Таким он, безусловно, и будет, если употреблять его в разумных количествах и как альтернативу обычному белому хлебу. Но как часто мы обманываемся: раз диетично, полезно — значит можно съесть сколько угодно. Вот и получается, что вместо одного кусочка полезного цельнозернового хлеба, мы съедаем 3—4 хлебца, получая куда больше калорий», — объясняет Анна Коробкина. Кроме этого, опасность злоупотребления хлебцами состоит в том, что под действием жидкости они значительно разбухают и могут замедлять переваривание другой пищи, поступившей в организм вместе с ними. Безопасный вариант: 2—3 хлебца на первый или второй завтрак. «Стоит выбирать продукты, содержащие грубые волокна, клетчатку, созданные из пшеничной муки грубого помола, из гречки ядрицы, грубого рисового зерна или размоченного овса. Эти хлебцы более полезны, если они высушены в специальной сушке без использования масла. А вот кукурузные или соевые хлебцы пользы фигуре точно не принесут»,. Сочетать хлебцы диетологи рекомендуют скорее с овощами, зеленью или кисломолочными продуктами, чем с колбасой или молоком. Сахарозаменители. Доверие у диетологов и худеющих они когда-то заработали тем, что в отличие от глюкозы вызывают плавные колебания уровня сахара в крови и постепенную выработку инсулина. Однако некоторые сахарозаменители, полученные химическим путем, большинство специалистов по питанию рекомендуют избегать. «К их числу, например, относится аспартам — вещество спорное, поскольку во время его метаболизма образуется метанол и фениланаланин, которые могут накапливаться в организме. К тому же многие научные работы доказывают его способность снижать уровень серотонина, что может неблагоприятно влиять на различные области, включая настроение, поведение, сон и аппетит. Поэтому, на мой взгляд, риски совершенно неоправданные».  Диетологи советуют выбирать естественные сахарозаменители, отказавшись от искусственных вроде аспартама Безопасный вариант: естественные растительные сахарозаменители — например, стевия. «Они абсолютно безвредны, не мешают работе печени, не влияют отрицательно на почки, не накапливаются организмом и не приводят к постепенному изменению психического состояния в отличие от некоторых химических аналогов». Протеиновые батончики. Опасным для фигуры этот элемент спортивного питания мы делаем сами, забывая, что их основная функция — снабжение организма дополнительным количества белка, который требуется нам только в период интенсивных тренировок, а не в качестве перекуса, когда времени на обед у нас не остается. «Протеины — далеко не безвредный нутриент, и большое их количество может нанести непоправимые последствия для работы почек. Если вы не занимаетесь спортом, но придерживаетесь принципов правильного питания, то смысла в этих «заменителях пищи» я не вижу. Воспринимать их стоит как некое средство повышения тонуса, энергии, которую организм должен потратить. А поглощая их за компьютером в офисе, вы точно не похудеете». Безопасный вариант: перекусить таким батончиком диетологи разрешают только за час-полтора до интенсивной тренировки или сразу после нее. В отношении большинства диетических продуктов эксперты придерживаются одной позиции: вместо того, чтобы верить маркировкам, изучайте состав продукта. «Читайте этикетки внимательнее. Важно знать, какой используется белок, какой присутствует жир, сколько добавляют композиций со знаком «Е» и сколько добавляют сахара или его заменителей». Do not forget to like, comment and rate the post!

Smile With Me!

Exploring the Beautifully Transformative Effects of Smiles with Jay Weinstein. Photographer Jay Weinstein’s minimalist project, known as …so I asked them to smile, explores and documents the beautiful and transformative effect of the human smile. The project first began in December 2013 when Weinstein took a trip to Rajasthan, India and saw a man he wanted to photograph near a busy train station. “The look in his eye and his stony, stern look intimidated me… I ended up avoiding him and photographi

$ Do you know the people?

     Возраст - всего лишь    число!           75-летняя американская пенсионерка выступает на турнирах бодибилдеров и на показах мод!               Спортсменка, модель, тренер по фитнесу и участница телешоу: американская пенсионерка в свои 75 лет находится на пике карьеры.

A little shocking.. Isn't??

  Captivating Portraits Capture How People Look Turned Upside Down              How different can someone appear if you simply change the way that you’d normally look at them? Cape Town-based photographer Anelia Loubser explores this idea in her series Alienation, which is a collection of portraits that capture people turned upside down. The black and white photographs are zoomed in and show us crystal-clear depictions of the eyes, foreheads, and hair in ways that we aren’t used to seeing.     With this slight shift, Loubser creates entirely new faces that are uniquely strange yet oddly familiar because of their human features; a quick glance could make it seem as if these pictures are of alien beings. It results in a beautifully eerie set of images that are wonderfully expressive thanks to forehead wrinkles and arresting sets of eyes. We’re able to appreciate how small changes in our vantage point can produce completely new, interesting compositions and stories.  Do not forget to like, comment and rate the post!

Fight for Surviving

Dogs under water This post is for all you dog lovers out there. Seth Casteel’s striking and endearing pictures of dogs underwater are making the rounds on the internet at the moment. I can see why. Below are a few of my personal favorites:

Super Stars. Hot&Talented

Fiona Apple - "Across The Universe" (cover the BEATLES  classic)  Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup, They slither while they pass, they slilp away across the universe Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my open mind, Posessessing and caressing me. Jai Guru de va om Nothings gonna change my world

Art and beauty of fighting.

Precision Motorcycle Riding: The Italian Police Force Italian policemen parading on enfield bullet motorcycle, adventurous and breathstoping drill, so calculative moves that anyone may get astonished wathing them. God!!

Beautiful Animal World

Adorable Photos of Newborn Animals in Wildlife Rehab Centers by Traer Scott. Animal lovers, prepare yourselves to be absolutely smitten with these close-up photos of baby animals, as they navigate the wondrous first weeks of their lives. Award-winning photographer Traer Scott's newest book, Wild Babies: Photographs of Baby Animals from Giraffes to Hummingbirds (published by Chronicle Books, 2016), is a heartwarming portfolio of newborn creatures. The images invite you to touch the page and imagine your hand getting lost among the softest of fur and still-growing scales. The animals range from palm-sized cottontails to opossum brothers tripping over tails to wide-eye seal pups, ensuring an encyclopedic breadth of the baby animal kingdom.

Интересное обо Всём

Как разрушают отношения разные знаки Зодиака Сначала все было хорошо, а потом что-то пошло не так — и вот уже пара, казавшаяся счастливой, расстается. Почему это происходит, порой и сами влюбленные не понимают, поскольку не замечают, как портят отношения.

Your Way to Success

    Positive Thinking: Why It Doesn't Work For Everyone - And How It Can Work         Everyone has heard about the power of positive thinking. Filling your mind with inspiring thoughts and exposing yourself to inspirational messages are great keys to personal development and success. And yet, only the very few top performers in any field really apply this age-old wisdom for its full benefit.  

$Your Beautiful Nails

  Halloween Mummy Water Marble Nail Art Tutorial These mummy nails are so adorably and  cute!

My Favorite Music I Want to Share With You

HEART - STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN in HD - The Kennedy Center Honors LED ZEPPELIN, 2012.  On Dec. 26 the 2012 Kennedy Center Honors was aired on national television for the first time on CBS. During the event, which took place at the Kennedy Center Opera House, Ann Wilson and Nancy Wilson of Heart performed Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" with Jason Bonham on drums.

$Breathtaking Highlands

    "Braveheart's Legacy" Features Scotland's Breathtaking Highlands  Landscape photographer Kilian Schönberger's fascination with nature often translates into stunning projects including Brothers Grimm's Homeland and Cloud Forest. Yet another gorgeous series, Braveheart's Legacy, features the Scottish Highlands and honors the homeland of William Wallace, aka Braveheart. Schönberger explains, "The landscape retains, especially under rainy conditions, the ancient spirit of the lifetime of this Scottish national hero."    

Quick and Easy Rеcipes

  Recipes for a Chic Sunday Brunch   Star chef Marcus Samuelsson shares his recipes for brunch.     The party: A smorgasbord is a great way to go for a casual brunch. People serve themselves as much or as little as they like, and they can come and go throughout the morning and early afternoon. Once the food is set out, you’re free to socialize. After all, as Marcus points out, “the real reason the guests are there is to see you.” The food: This menu works well any time of the year. On a warm spring or summer day, all the food can be enjoyed at room temperature. On a crisp fall or winter morning, you can serve the tart warm with meatballs or couscous. When the guests arrive, just reheat the tart in a 300º F oven. The mood: Keep it simple, clean, and fresh. If you use your dining table as the buffet, you can invite guests to sit in the living room or on comfortable pillows scattered on the floor around a low table. A few little decorative touches, like a vase of flowers in a single color or a bowl of lemons and an as sortment of candles (yes, even in the daytime), are all you need to make this self-serve brunch feel warm and welcoming. To give the buffet a unified, natural look, serve the food on wooden cutting boards over a homespun runner that shows off the wood surface of your table. Easy extras: Round out the smorgasbord with a selection of thinly sliced Scandinavian-style breads, flatbreads, and crackers. Set out a few different kinds of mustard, along with capers, pickles, dill sprigs, lemon wedges, and paper-thin slices of onion, cucumber, and radish. You can also set out a bowl filled with hard-boiled eggs, a simple green salad, a platter of sliced fruit, or a big fruit salad tossed with finely shredded fresh mint. Mushroom, Goat Cheese & Tomato Tart Marcus always likes to include a substantial vegetarian item on the menu, so everyone has plenty to eat. This beautiful eggless tart is easy to make, especially if you purchase the pastry dough. Just roll out the dough to fit your tart pan and press it into the bottom and sides with your fingertips, folding the overhang inward to make a double layer around the sides. Serves 8 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 cup sliced button mushrooms 1/2 cup sliced portobello mushrooms 1/2 cup sliced shiitake mushrooms 8 cloves garlic, halved lengthwise 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 8 oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes, drained and halved lengthwise 6 to 12 anchovy fillets, coarsely chopped 1/4 cup pitted Kalamata or Niçoise olives, chopped 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves 2 small-to-medium Idaho russet or other baking potatoes, unpeeled 1 unbaked 10-inch tart shell (see recipe introduction) Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 6 ounces fresh goat cheese In a large skillet, heat 2 tablespoons of the olive oil over medium-high heat. When the oil is hot, add all of the mushrooms and the garlic and sauté for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the mushrooms are golden brown. Remove from the heat. In a bowl, combine the mushrooms and garlic, the remaining 1/2 cup olive oil, the vinegar, tomatoes, anchovies, olives, and thyme and mix well. Cover and let stand at room temperature for 2 hours. After the mushrooms have stood for about 1 hour, preheat the oven to 400º F. Poke the potatoes in a few places with the tines of a fork and bake them for 40 minutes, or until they offer only a little resistance in the center when pierced with a thin-bladed knife. Remove from the oven and let cool slightly. Reduce the oven temperature to 375º F. When the potatoes are cool enough to handle, peel them and slice into 1/2-inch-thick rounds. Layer the potato slices in the bottom of the tart shell, seasoning them generously with salt and pepper as you go. Drain the mushroom mixture in a sieve held over a bowl to capture the marinade. Spread the mushroom mixture over the potatoes. Crumble the goat cheese evenly over the top. Bake the tart for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the cheese begins to turn golden. Remove from the oven, let cool on a wire rack, and serve warm or at room temperature. Drizzle with a few tablespoons of the reserved marinade just before serving.   Do not forget to like, coment and  rate the blog!

Amаzing World

Woman Captures Rare Sight of a Perfectly Spherical Cloud Floating in the Sky. Photo credit: @pmxpvrtmx We’ve all seen clouds that seemingly resemble real things, but what about a fluffy orb that just hangs in the sky? That is truly unusual. Twitter user @pmxpvrtmx(aka Poppy) recently witnessed this incredible sight and captured the spherical cloud as it hovered above houses in Fujisawa, a city in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. After staring at the phenomena, she “rushed to take the photo.” On Twitter, she recalled, “When I saw the cloud it was an even more spherical shape, so I regret not taking the photo more quickly.”

Your Best Life After Divorce

  How to Let it Go of Someone You Love by Hating Them               Having a hard time getting over someone who doesn’t love you back the way you love them?  Find out how to let go of someone you love by hating them.

What Men Hate about Women

                   What Men Hate about Women                                                 Polls and studies show that although men heartily love women, there are quite a few things that they just can’t stand about them.

World of Disney

Each Table at This Fairytale Wedding Is Inspired by a Different Disney Film. To many lovey-dovey couples, a Disneyland proposal is a picture-perfect way to pop the question. Ty Junemann and Ashley Idema made all of their Disney dreams come true when they got engaged in front of Sleeping Beauty’s Castle in the “Happiest Place on Earth.” Following such a magical marriage proposal, the couple aptly opted for a Disney-themed wedding, complete with a collection of one-of-a-kind centerpieces created by the blushing bride.

The Art and Beauty of Tattoos

  Bold Tattoo Doubles as a Mind-Bending Optical Illusion. The impressive inking combines bold and graphic lines with small-yet-crucial areas of shading. Because most of the tattoo is so flat-looking, these specially-contoured parts are enough to convince us that this fellow has an unusually-shaped arm; we are mistaken thanks to O'Rourke's handiwork!

$Magic For Getting Money

Как только в мире появились денежные отношения, человек встал в прямую зависимость от денег. С их помощью одни приходят к власти, а другие тянут свое существование, еле сводя концы с концами. Возникает вопрос, от чего это происходит? Для этого надо понять, как правильно относиться к деньгам и чем может помочь денежная магия.

People and Animals

Magnificent Final Entries From the 2016 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year. The final deadline for entries to the 2016 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year contest is rapidly approaching. We've been updating you on entries throughout the entire contest and as the contest heads into the home stretch we've scanned the final entries for our favorites. Photographers are welcome to submit entries into four separate categories—Landscape, Environmental Issues, Action, and Animal Portraits. "The four categories of this year’s contest will give photographers a chance to capture the complexity and beauty found in the world around us," remarked Sarah Polger, senior producer for National Geographic Travel and manager of National Geographic photo contests. "We anticipate compelling and revealing images."

Gorgeous Beauty

Vibrant Photos Pay Homage to Slavic Folklore through High-Fashion Portraits. Vibrant images with a distinctive blend of stylistic influences are the modus operandi of Moscow-based photographer Andrey Yakovlev and art director Lili Aleeva (a duo known simply as Yakovlev and Aleeva). Placing an emphasis on feminine beauty and glamour, the creative husband-wife pair has created a photo series placing their subjects in traditional Slavic garb to create a collection of intense visuals. Dramatic and enticing, the duo are experts in forming memorable photographs by combining high-fashion with traditionalism to share a novel perspective.

New York City Photos

Stylish New Yorkers Pose for Portraits with Their Bikes. Twitter New York is a bike-friendly place where anyone can hop on a 2-wheeled vehicle and zip right past the taxis and all around town. In a city where all kinds of people sport all kinds of bikes, photographer Sam Polcer decided to document the wide range of personalities across the five boroughs in his series, called Preferred Mode.

Wonderland of Winter

Striking Photo-Essay Follows Young Woman Living Off-the-Grid in Wild Northern Finland. Through his stunning visual project known as No Signal, photographer Brice Portolano shares the remarkable stories of people who have chosen to escape from a highly urbanized lifestyle and reconnect with nature. Arctic Love is the first of four striking photoessays in the series, which follows a young woman named Tinja who lives 180 miles from the nearest town. Portolano has documented her distinctive lifestyle in the wilderness where she raises 85 sled dogs and lives off the hauntingly beautiful Finnish land.

Beauty Arоund Us

Researchers Discover First Feathered Dinosaur Tail Preserved in Amber. Image via Royal Saskatchewan Museum (RSM/ R.C. McKellar) Researchers in Myanmar made an incredible discovery last year by finding the first dinosaur tail preserved in amber. The findings were published recently in Current Biology and are all the more incredible due to that fact that the tail was covered in feathers. Paleontologist Lida Xing made the discovery in a local market, where amber is frequently sold for jewelry. In fact, the piece—which is about the size of an apricot—had already been partially shaped into an oval by a jeweler. Rather than damage their research, this actually helped them analyze the cross section of the tail, where they discovered remnants of iron deposits found in dinosaur soft tissue. The sample dates to the mid-Cretaceous Period, some 99 million years ago. And the feathers? While the first fossil evidence of feathered dinosaurs was found in the 1990s, the 1.4-inch preserved appendage is the first time scientists can clearly associate plumage with these extinct creatures. Based on the tail’s structure, it’s believed that it belonged to a juvenile coeleosaur. Coleosaurs are a group of  theropod dinosaurs that includes everything from tyrannosaurs to modern birds.

Beautiful Fantasies

Charming Three-Piece Rings Make It Look Like Your Favorite Animal Is Hugging Your Finger. You’ve heard of the three-piece suit, now meet the three-piece ring set. Jewelry design shop Mary Lou has created multi-section rings that are made with animal lovers in mind. Sloths, cheetahs, flamingos, foxes, and more are crafted out of brass and enamel, charming us with their detailed likeness as well as practicality—each of these pieces are adjustable and can be worn in multiple ways.

Simple Illustrations

Simple Illustrations Reveal Endearing Moments of Love in Life's Everyday Moments. Twitter Being in love with someone is more than just grand romantic gestures and celebrating milestones—it’s about the little moments, too. Illustrator Nidhi Chanani captures these small occasions in her endearing ongoing series titledEveryday Love. The charming images demonstrate that it’s the ordinary things that bring us closer to our partner, like cooking together, enjoying the sunset, and, of course, laughter. Each illustration acts as a reminder to appreciate all of them.

Traveling and World

Dazzling Photos Explore a Rapidly Changing Hong Kong at Night. Photographer Andy Yeung is known for his jaw-dropping aerial photos of Hong Kong, but his new series Remembering Hong Kong explores unexpected aspects of the city. By taking in older sections of Hong Kong, Yeung preserves their memory against the rapidly changing urban jungle.

Unknown Turkey

Istanbul's Beloved Street Cat Immortalized With His Own Bronze Statue. It seems only right that on a day like October 4th—World Animal Day—the people of Istanbul unveil a new bronze statue of their beloved local cat celebrity who has become a global star. His name was Tombili and he became an Internet sensation quickly after photos of him looking effortlessly laid-back were shared on the viral site 9GAG. Only missing a top hat, Tombili was the kind of dapper street cat that epitomizes being cool.

Amazing Wedding Photographs

20 Award-Winning Wedding Photographs of 2014. Four times a year, the International Society of Professional Wedding Photographer (or ISPWP) holds a members-only contest to pick out the best wedding photographs of the year. The ISPWP is an organization, created by professional photographers, that brings together the top wedding photographers in the world. It was created to raise the standards of the wedding photography profession. They are a resource for clients who want to make sure that they're hiring a reputable wedding photographer.

Art Around Us

Artist Completes Gigantic Pen & Ink Drawing After 3.5 Years Image via the Chazen Museum of Art From great pain often comes great artwork. Such is the case with Manabu Ikeda‘s monumental Rebirth, a 13′ x 10′ masterpiece that the artist toiled over for 3.5 years, working 10 hours a day. It’s Ikeda’s largest work to date and is the Japanese artist’s response to the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami that set off the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Started in July 2013, Ikeda worked out of the basement studio at the Chazen Museum of Art in Madison, Wisconsin—part of their artist in residence program.

Hidden Secrets of Skype in Russian

Убираем всплывающие окна скайпа   Здравствуйте дорогие читатели блога. У вас было когда-нибудь такое, что скайп постоянно отвлекает от работы? Его окна словно сумасшедшие скачут без остановки в углу вашего бедного монитора, показывая кто входит и выходит из скайпа. Особенно много сложностей испытывают пользователи, находящиеся в разных скайп группах, так что правая нижняя часть экрана раскаляется вместе с вашим мозгом, ведь сосредоточиться при таком варианте абсолютно нереально.

Beautiful Animals World II

Adventure Photographer Swims With Millions of Jellyfish. Ever wonder what it would be like to swim with jellyfish? Travel and adventure photographer Kien Lam fulfilled this fantasy by flying across the globe to Jellyfish Lake in Micronesia. Anyone who has been stung by a jellyfish can attest—it’s not a pleasant experience. But Jellyfish Lake in Palau is filled with millions of jellyfish that have evolved in a way that makes it safe for humans to swim in the same waters.

Healthy Meals as Funny Cartoon Characters to Eat

Mom Prepares Healthy Meals as Cartoon Characters for Son to Eat Getting pint-sized, picky eaters to finish their fruits and vegetables can be a tricky task for many parents. For food artist Laleh Mohmedi, however, it’s a piece of cake. Using healthy ingredients and a bit of creativity, the Melbourne mom dishes out meals inspired by her 4-year-old son’s favorite animated characters. From expressive Pixar monsters to a spot-on Spongebob Squarepants, Mohmedi reproduces a range of beloved childhood icons out of meat, pasta, and other dinner staples. After snapping a photo of each edible work of art, Mohmedi shares it on her Instagram page, Jacob’s Food Diaries. Her creative craft has achieved Internet admiration with over 65,000 foodie followers.


It is All about Entertainment News and also celebrity pictures, Funny amazing pictures. gossip, Technology News, Auto, Cars, and much more for your pleasure

Romantic- Love- Relationships- Poem

Selfishness in a Relationship "Marriage is that relation between man and woman in which the independence is equal, the dependence mutual, and the obligation reciprocal." ― Louis K. Anspacher Relationships are wonderful manifestation of love and care that lie in the human heart. While a relationship based on the strong foundations of love and commitment grows every day, a relationship marked by traces of selfishness and disrespect for the other partner is equally scary. While you can't expect perfection from your partner, it is to be understood that a certain sense of belonging and care is mandatory for the relationship to thrive and blossom. Selfish behavior starts, when either of the partners is too much concerned with the physical and emotional needs of oneself, giving the least amount of focus and thought about the other partner. The gravity of the problem intensifies, when the suffering partner is unable to figure out the cause of such an irrational behavior of the selfish partner. Any talks and arguments about the degrading relationship is refuted by the selfish partner and the relationship seems to be on the verge of extinction. No doubt selfishness in relationships leads to addictive and damaging relationships. Typical Signs of Selfishness A sudden and unexplained change in the behavior of the partner is the first signal to some problems. A behavioral change can be due to various factors, like stress or job pressures, but it doesn't mean that the person is not responding to your queries and questions. The partner may stop receiving your call and may even ignore you at home by not talking to you, sleeping in another room, and even skipping dinner or lunch with you. While, it is normal in relationships to have phases of ups and downs, it is quite a serious issue if the partner

Why Men are Happy

Funny Party Quotes Endless time spent in dancing, chatting and enjoying great food as the time passes by is what I feel partying is all about. It is not about which upscale place you went to, or which celebrity you met at the party, partying is about plain unadulterated fun with your near and dear ones. While you think about partying, here are some funny quotes that you might enjoy. Hilarious Party Quotes Live for today... Plan for tomorrow... Party tonight! ~ Anonymous Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here, shall we dance? ~ Anonymous Hear no evil, speak no evil and you'll never be invited to a party. ~ Oscar Wilde Never be the first to arrive at a party or the last to go home

Daily Stuff

  Paleo Bacon-Wrapped Cauliflower Calling all paleo people: This is your new favorite appetizer! Peppery bacon-wrapped spicy cauliflower bites with a honey-glaze. Ingredients 4  cups cauliflower florets1  cup butter, ghee or coconut oil, melted1  tablespoon paprika


Beautiful Hipster Girls Will Make You Rethink Everything Hipster girls, we love to hate them, we hate to love them but between that hate and love, there’s an inclination towards actually liking these girls. Maybe because they know how to look different or adorable, or accidentally sexy for that matter. We’ve seen a ton of sexy girls in bikini, lingerie, sporting tattoos and more, so now we’re turning the spotlight towards hot and sexy hipster women. Yes, that’s right. Those girls who abhor everything easy and conventional. Those girls who opt for vintage dresses, sneakers, and awkwardly painted nails.   Sure they can be sexy too! Don’t believe us? Just check out these photos!

True Love Emotions

  How to Find True Love and Happiness Are you falling in love with someone? How to know that your relationship is true? Many people feel confused and they seem to be disappointed because they have many relationships but they cannot decide how to get true love forever. Recently, has introduced a writing of top 20 secrets how to find true love and happiness that every couple can learn from it. Keep reading the article and discover how to stay forever with a happy relationship. How To Find True Love And Happiness In A Relationship 1. Trust Yourself      It is unbelievable that you should trust or believe in yourself first. Simply, you think that you are working well on your relationship and focus on building a solid relationship. You should learn how to speak to yourself, how to treat yourself, and how to love yourself. 2. Reduce Depression      Instead of worrying about your relationship, take time to love and trust in your partner. You will have no great relationship if you usually feel anxious and have depression about you and your lovely person. You should remove negative thoughts. 3. Think You Are Deserve To Get Happiness     Almost of people, especially girls often fear of love and fear of being love. Do not wonder if you can find true love or not because it is not a good thought when loving someone. All people deserve to be loved. 4. Receive Love      When you know you are worth loving, you should receive love from your partner. When you love him or her, you also have the right to receive lover from them. You can show how pleasured and gratified when loving them. 5. Trust Your Partner      If you believe in yourself, you should trust in your partner, too. Thinking that they also have some mistakes in life and give them good feeling and give them the joyful and free emotions. 6. Communicate Honestly   

Amazing Jokes

Funny Inspirational Quotes Inspirational quotes give you that much-needed boost to look at things from a fresh perspective and with a positive outlook. Funny inspirational quotes would not only inspire you about things, but also make you see the funnier side of life as well! The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to use the stairs... one step at a time. - Joe Girard To think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. - George Bernard Shaw The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. - Mark Twain The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.

Romantic-Funny-Life-Poetry, inspirational

Olly Murs - Seasons Listen honey, to every word I say I know that you don't trust me But I'm better than the stories about me Everybody messes up some days Ain't got no rhyme or reason All I know is I'm yours, yours, yours for every season Baby girl with the broken smile Would you mind if I stayed awhile And if you're cold I could light your fire If that's what you want, if that's what you want I admit that I've done some wrong But those wrongs helped me write this song And through it all I figured out where I belong Right by your side, right by your side They say that hearts don't lie The head might try but it

Perfect Silence

5 Actions That Result in Success Perhaps you have thought of how much believing in yourself makes a difference in your quality of life? A strong belief in yourself can bring you all these benefits plus much more: * You recognize your capacity to achieve goals. * You are optimistic concerning the future as you set objectives and accomplish them. * Deep down inside, you know you are able to do anything. * You treat yourself kindly. * You are feeling uplifted and more satisfied with life. * You're motivated to get things done. * You have got faith, no matter what. * You see and revel in the abundance around you. * Others feel drawn to you.

My Funny Collection

Funny Birthday Jokes There's never a wrong time to goof around and have fun with friends and family. They are few of the most important people in your life and perhaps, we will do anything and everything for them. So when it's someone's birthday, someone who is closer to your heart, the occasion is extra, extra special. Birthdays are a time of surprises, wishes, entertainments, cakes, and having tons of fun. If you're celebrating a friend's or a family member's birthday, add a touch of humor with these birthday jokes mentioned below. Jokes You'll Love More often than not, birthdays keep reminding us how much older we've gotten. This can certainly bring most of us feeling low and sad. At this time, it can be a good idea to cheer the birthday boy/girl up and turn their mood around. So, what works best? How about you read the next segment and find out for yourself. You know you're getting old when ... all of your favorite movies are now re-released in color. it's harder and harder for sexual harassment charges to stick. everything hurts and what doesn't hurt, doesn't work. it takes a couple of tries to get over a speed bump. people call at 9 pm and ask, "Did I wake you?" the end of your tie doesn't come anywhere near the top of your pants. getting lucky means you find your car in the parking lot. happy hour is a nap. you are 17 around the neck, 42 around the waist, 96 around the golf course. you and your teeth don't sleep together.

My Dating Ideas

Dating Ideas When in San Diego, California! Going on a special date to celebrate your anniversary of being together is not going to be cheap. You will definitely spend money no matter what you plan on doing. If you have the cash to back you up, then by all means travel as much as you can with your partner. If not, then perhaps a little budgeting will do. If you can’t afford taking her to a different country, then perhaps just taking a drive down somewhere within the country. California is known for the bustling cities and beautiful beaches. But Los Angeles and San Francisco aren’t the only cities that are worth visiting. Here are some dating ideas when in San Diego, California.

Places and Culture

  1 Week on Kauai in Hawaii Here is my travel to Kauai, Hawaii!

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Kelly Clarkson - A Moment Like This What if I told you It was all meant to be Would you believe me, Would you agree It's almost that feelin' That we've met before So tell me that you don't think I'm crazy When I tell you love has come here and now... A moment like this Some people wait a lifetime, For a moment like this Some people search forever, For that one special kiss Oh, I can't believe it's happening to me Some people wait a lifetime, For a moment

How to Attract Younger Women

Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are Ohhhhh ohhhhhh ohhhhhh ohhhhhhh [Verse 1:] Oh, her eyes, her eyes Make the stars look like they're not shinin' Her hair, her hair Falls perfectly without her trying She's so beautiful And I tell her everyday Yeah I know, I know When I compliment her she won't believe me And it's so, it's so Sad to think that she don't see what I see But every time she asks me, "Do I look okay?" I say, [Chorus:] When I see your face (face, face...) There's not a thing that I would change 'Cause you're amazing (amazing) Just the

Social Media Marketing

10 Tips to Secure Personal Data from Online Snoopers When Tim Berners-Lee was coming up with the technology that has remodeled our world, he searched for a noun that might describe what he had in mind. The one he eventually settled on was “web”, that is however the globe wide internet got its name. To its artificer, the noun should have appeared dead apposite: it represented the complex, organic linking of web sites and pages that he had in mind. however “web” has alternative, nonliteral, connotations. Webs square measure things that spiders weave with the aim of capturing prey. And if you would like a image for wondering wherever we tend to square measure currently with networked technology, here’s one to think. Imagine a huge, world internet within which square measure unfree upwards of 2 billion flies. Most of these unfortunate creatures don’t apprehend – however – that they’re unfree. After all, they wandered cheerfully, willingly, into the net. a number of them even imagine that they might escape if they needed to. We square measure those insects. the sole means of escaping our difficulty is to renounce the globe within the means that Trappist monks once did. Since we’re not reaching to try this, we’ve got to face the reality: we tend to’re unfree during a system within which everything we do is monitored and logged and within which privacy could be a factor of the past. Everything that you simply do with trendy communications instrumentation leaves a digital path. And this path is followed assiduously not simply by large companies, however conjointly by governments and their security services – as vividly illustrated by the revelations of Edward Snowden. What’s astonishing is however unconcerned many of us seem to be concerning this. Is it as a result of {they square measure|they’re} unaware of the extent and comprehensiveness of the police work? Or is it some weird manifestation of capital of Sweden syndrome – that strange condition within which prisoners exhibit positive feelings towards their captors? What we’ve learned specifically from the Snowden leaks is that the size and capability of the National Security Agency surveillance are abundant bigger than anyone imaginary. most of the people had assumed that the majority non-encrypted communications were vulnerable and a few speculated that some encrypted communications (eg Skype) had a hidden backdoor for the National Security Agency. however no one realized that, because the latest revelations showed, all the cryptography technologies habitually accustomed shield on-line transactions (https, SSL, VPN and 4G encryption), and something researching Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Yahoo, are cracked. What this suggests is that no style of transmission handled by business firms will currently be assumed

How to Confront Without Conflict

Bebe Rexha - "No Broken Hearts" ft. Nicki Minaj  Oh baby, oh baby I know that you've been hurting (This is a star studded collaboration) Oh baby, oh baby I know that you've been hurting (I'm Nicki Minaj, that's Bebe, let's go) [Bebe Rexha:] No broken hearts in the club, no tears in the club Cause we gon get it poppin' tonight No broken hearts in the club, more drinks pour it up Cause we gon get it poppin' tonight We going straight to Miami Hop on a plane don't need no plans Shining so hard like a Grammy Forget all the players what they did We gonna be buying the drinks, we gonna be buying the drinks Line up the bottles, line up the models, we gonna forget everything Oh ain't nobody going home, you know what you came for To dance off the pain, don't feel a thing, just feel the champagne If you're feeling lonely, baby let me hear you sing No broken hearts in the club, no tears in the club

Inspiration and Believe

Living a Creative Life What does it mean to live a creative life? It means looking for new and better ways to live from day to day and year to year, rather than going along on automatic or doing what everyone else around you is doing. It means applying that brainpower to more than just paying the bills and winning those video games - and more than even creative thinking or writing. For example, the usual approach to the problem of survival in a modern economy is to get a job. One’s creative impulses are usually limited to finding the "right" job and doing the things necessary or helpful to getting hired. But a person that is living a more creative life would approach this in an entirely different way. How? That depends on the person, and we can’t call it creativity if it is just a formula. But an example might give us an idea of a different way to think about this part of life. Instead of looking for a job, a truly creative person could ask the question, "Do I really need a job?" or even the more fundamental

True Love Story 6

Your Inner Voice My day started just like all the other days for the past 15 years where I get up, make some coffee, shower, get dressed and leave for the train station at preciously 7:35 A.M. to arrive at work by 8:30. While on the train I would always choose a seat away from the crowd so I can read the newspaper in peace and quiet. At work I am always being bombarded with questions from coworkers, suppliers, telephone and then those dreaded meetings so the last thing I need is some stranger to sit beside me and make small talk. I don’t know why but for some reason when I got on the train today it was unusually full, something I don’t recall ever happening in the past. With hesitation I sat down in the only seat available beside a middle aged man that had his head down and seemed to be lost in his thoughts. I was glad that he didn’t notice when I sat next to him as he just continued to look down towards the floor. Shortly after the train left for my 30 minute ride downtown I found myself wondering

Kim Kardashian: Dance Academy Darling

Nathalia Novaes is a Natural Beauty!  

Celebrity Pictures

Heavenly Beauty Nasia Mylona Greece seems to be the place to be at this time of

Online banking security tips

Credit Card for Students For most university students, credit cards aren’t high on their priority list for things to take care of – after all, students with loans can pay for things with direct debit from their bank accounts, as can students that are being assisted financially by their parents. The simple truth of the matter is that most students don’t think about credit cards, so that when it gets to the point that they need one, they end up rushing through the selection process, ending up with a credit card that isn’t optimal for their needs or worse one that actually ends up being detrimental for them in the long run. So what should a student seeking a credit card do? Simple, they need to research! Look at a wide variety of student credit cards, their benefits and their drawbacks. Only select one that you feel comfortable with and that you feel addresses your needs well, while not providing you with too many setbacks. So what characteristics should you look for? Well, here are a few things to keep in mind in your search for the perfect student credit card.  Fees

Funny Amazing Stuff

Funny Quotes About Life There are really two ways of going about it - you can either sit moping about how unfair and unyielding life is and how the greater cause does not make sense to you or you can take everything in with a pinch of salt (along with some tequila and a lime wedge, if you will), have a few laughs and carry on, smiling at the weirdness of it all. It might not be sugary and rosy all the way, but it will definitely be an enjoyable ride if you know how to be a sport. Truth is always stranger than fiction and there can be no greater adventure than living it. Here are a few quick jibes at the roller coaster ride we call life from some of the funniest men of all time. Life wasn't always smooth for them, but they learnt to live with it and bring out the best of the rigmarole through these lines. If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you'd best teach it to dance. - George Bernard Shaw Never do anything that you wouldn't want to explain to the paramedics. - Author unknown When the plane you are on is late, the plane you want to transfer to is on time. - Author unknown Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps a-ticking whether you are getting somewhere or just standing still. - Lou Erickson There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. - Oscar Wilde It's frustrating when you know all the answers, but nobody bothers to ask you the questions. - Author unknown If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the very

Home Spa

How to Relax Before Going to Bed After a tiring day, you are ready to hit the sack. However, all the troubled thoughts in your mind won't let you do so. No matter how much you try, a thought keeps popping up from somewhere. Sometimes, the anxiety to face a challenging day also leads to a restless night. Though these symptoms are considered normal, the benefits of a sound sleep can't be overestimated. It's very important for every human being to get at least 8 hours of 'soundless' sleep. If you sleep for 10 hours, and if you're restless and disturbed throughout the night, it's not going to help. To make sure you sleep like a baby, everyday, all you have to do is follow these tips. ▶ Things You Can Do Take a Bath Hot water helps in relaxing muscles that are stressed during the day. To make the bath more

Daily Health

  Chocolate Stout Cake with Caramel Marshmallow Cream Frosting Triple chocolate fudge cake is spiked with flavorful stout, baked into a SuperMoist™ cake and topped with caramel-kissed marshmallow fluff buttercream and a rich layer of dulce de leche. Everything that’s good in life, baked into a cake.   Sometimes flavor combos are so wickedly brilliant, it feels like you’ve come home when you conjure them up. It’s not unlike that song about the place where everybody knows your name. Know the song? Been stuck in my head all day. Because I started thinking about the perfect trifecta of flavors: stout, marshmallow, and caramel. And then I thunk about making a cake. And then I was like, “How has nobody ever made this cake, because those three flavors would basically be like Sam, Diane and Rebecca.” (Way too many midnights watching Cheers.) Which got me singing the theme song about everyone knowing your name and Googling “Where is Ted Danson now?” while making this perfect cake. And now I’m totally off track. But can you blame me? Chocolate Stout Cake. With Caramel Marshmallow Cream Frosting. This, friends, is the sort of thing that derails a long story. It’s also the sort of thing that tastes like friendship. In your favorite pub. Turned into a cake. Long story short: Make this cake. You will love.   It all starts here, with cake and beer. And if that doesn’t sound like a pub ballad waiting to be written, let me promise you: It is a pub pastry waiting to be tasted.   Bake those cakes. I love using 7-inch round cake pans because they yield these small, tall spheres of cakey goodness. You could also double the recipe and make a mad huge cake

Alcohol Does Not Kill Brain Cells

  Homemade Toothpaste Recipes Decades back, when there were no toothpastes, tooth-powders, mouth washes, etc., people resorted to using natural substances to maintain overall dental health. When there were no brushes available, people would use Neem/Meliaceae/Azedarach tree sticks to brush their teeth with. Wash the stick, chew on it till it becomes soft and stranded, and your natural-one-time-use toothbrush is ready. Chewing on a neem stick would cause beneficial nutrients to enter the digestive system, and brushing with it would whiten teeth and prevent/heal gum problems. As kids, many of us hated brushing our teeth, only because we disliked its smell or taste. Though everyone's teeth texture is same, the problems faced by all are not. One person may have a tooth decay problem while someone else may face gum problems. Ready-made toothpastes that are available in the market claim to be effective for all dental problems; however, very few can find one that suits their dental needs. Isn't it better if we can prepare one at home that suits our personal needs to solve our dental problems? Given below are a few recipes to make one on your own. Recipe No.1 This is the most common and easy way of making homemade mint toothpaste. Take 6 teaspoons of baking soda, add ⅓ teaspoon of salt, 4 teaspoons of glycerin, and 15 drops of peppermint extract. Mix it well to form a thick paste just like a toothpaste, and store it in a

Power and Weakness

Only Action Will Create Wealth Most people have no idea how to create WEALTH. Don’t get offended. It’s not your fault. Did anyone give you a step by step plan and a way to have the money to implement that plan? Of course not! People from all walks of life struggle to generate more income than the needs in life. I know a lady that inherited 2+ million dollars and had no idea how to manage it. She let the "banker" invest it as he wished. He of course invested in bank stocks. You guessed it. The bank was one of the casualties of the banking scandal a few years ago. Why did this happen to her. Daddy managed everything and did not teach his children anything about finances. He died suddenly living his children totally clueless with

How to Become Creative

Discover How To Get Enough Money Money, they say answers all things. How true! Probably one could say enough money can go a long way in solving a problem, because money is actually meant to solve problems.  The money issue and how to get it has become a world economic problem and sometimes you can have the money, but it is not valuable enough to buy what you need or solve the magnitude of problems stirring you in the face. There has always been money available no matter the season but it is only those that can apply its principles that can get it in abundance. If you do not apply the laws that command abundance of wealth

Make Money on Twitter

Mobile Marketing Tips for Small Businesses With the increasing advent of new technologies and business apps, customers are turning to these novel ways with a fast rate to find products and services. When you decide to expand your online venture, considering mobile marketing is beneficial. There are numerous winning mobile marketing tactics, which will let your customers find you easily while on the move. The rates at which customers continue to show preference for mobile shopping make it important for business owners to take note. Consumers use Smartphones more often to buy or get product info. Given the wide berth of new technologies emerging by the day, there are several aspects below that need to be streamlined to help your company reap the benefits from mobile marketing. Assess Your Inclination for Mobile Marketing Just like any other business aspect, taking the plunge into mobile marketing needs to be planned. You will need to assess your readiness to and capacity to embrace this concept. It is unwise to join the bandwagon if you

Facts About Immigration

Causes of Illegal Immigration   According to the immigration data given by the US Department of Homeland Security, Mexico tops the charts when it comes to number of people immigrating illegally in the USA. The approximate, raw number of the immigrants given by the department is 6,650,000. These illegal immigration statistics in USA are a huge evidence of how grave this problem is in the USA and other first world countries and a few of the developing third world countries like India. It is evident that unless and until there is a very strong reason, no individual would love to leave his or her homeland and go to some alien country. Here is trying to analyze causes of illegal immigration. Causes of Illegal Immigration in the United States It is pretty clear that the South American countries neighboring USA, are no match to the US when it comes to the financial stability and prosperity. So there are a lot of immigrants from South America as the illegal immigration statistics mentioned above portray. Let us see some more illegal immigration facts. Top Dollar To elaborate on the economic factor and the strongest motivation individuals

15 Tips for Avoiding Heart Disease

Top 10 Signs And Symptoms Of Depression Depression is among the most common illness around the globe. Many people face depression but few really consider taking measures about it. People ignore depression and think is just a phase, but depression can lead to many things and one of the scariest is suicidal thoughts. This illness varies from person to person but there are signs and symptoms that are mostly universal and if you notice someone close to you being depressed make sure you talk to them to visit a psychiatrist. Downs and ups are normal occurring in everyday life, but if the downs are more common and wont go away, if they interfere your work and well-functioning you need to understand the symptoms, causes and treat depression. Here are the most common symptoms and signs for depression: 1. Weight Change One of the first symptoms you will notice is extreme weight change. It may result in fatigue or in extreme weight loss and lead to anorexia. Men are more likely than women to report fatigue and other physical symptoms of depression but that doesn’t mean women are not prone to fatigue, it depends from person to person. 2. Sleeping Too Much Or Too Little Falling asleep while working? Do you sleep 12 hours a day and still feel exhausted? That may be a sign of depression. Insomnia ( lack of sleep) or hypersomnia ( over sleeping) should not be ignored because they can be dangerous for your health. 3. Stomachache or Backache

Human Vulnerability

Remedies for Sweating Too Much Sweat is defined as a clear and salty liquid which is produced by sudoriferous glands in your skin. The process of its release from the body is called sweating. It is also known as perspiration. This is the natural process by which your body cools itself or maintains a comfortable temperature. Sweating occurs mainly under the arms, on the feet and palms. Sweat often mixes with bacteria present on the skin. The bacteria works upon it and produces a typical smell. Bathing regularly can prevent you from such body odor. What is Hyperhidrosis? You tend to sweat naturally a lot when you workout, are anxious, have high body temperature and are in a hot environment. Many women experience excessive sweating as they approach menopause. However, sweating too much without the given circumstances is abnormal. For example: sweating in winter or continuous sweating under normal temperature even when you are not doing any physical work. Such a medical condition is called hyperhidrosis. In Hyperhidrosis the cooling mechanism of ones body is overactive which results in the production of 3 to 4 times more sweat. Reasons Behind Excessive Sweating Hyperhidrosis is basically of two types. They are primary and secondary hyperhidrosis. The former type is due to genetic predisposition. It starts during adolescence. It gets aggravated by many conditions and situations. They are nervousness, anxiety, consumption of certain foods, nicotine, caffeine and some smells. The latter

Get Rid Of Alcoholism

Depression Warning Signs Depression is one such physical and mental health condition, which if neglected for long, can ruin the entire life of a person. It happens due to complicated interactions between certain chemicals in our body and the brain. The adverse effects of depression touches every aspects of our life, starting from lifestyle, relationships, performances at the workplace, and so on. About ten percent of people suffer from depression at least once in their lifetime. However, very few people seek medical attention to cure the problem. This is mainly because most of them fail to identify these warning signs. Warning Signs of Major Depression Depression cannot be diagnosed with the help of any physical examination or blood tests. You have to rely on the warning signs to detect it. Here we have mainly discussed the most common warning signs of depression. Prolonged Sadness Though happiness and sorrow are part and parcel of life, people who are suffering from some type of depression find it difficult to snap out of their despair. Bouts of crying, reckless behavior, guilt, and self-loathing are a few of the emotional responses of people in depression. Their self-esteem dips really low during an episode. This disorder is said to be the manifestation of passive aggression and people who are feeling a bit blue find themselves obsessing over their failures. Their perceived inadequacies make them feel angry and their rage is projected inwardly. Increased agitation and restlessness is also a common occurrence in this state.

Music Daily

This Is What You Came For  (ft. Rihanna) Baby, this is what you came for Lightning strikes every time she moves And everybody's watching her But she's looking at you, oh, oh You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh You, oh, oh, oh, oh Baby, this is what you came for Lightning strikes every time she moves And everybody's watching her But she's looking at you, oh, oh

Computer Love

Ellie Goulding - Love Me Like You Do Enjoy the lovely music video song of sweet singer Ellie Goulding. She is so pretty and

Hollywood Celebrity Gossip

Chris Brown Biography Early Life Christopher Maurice Brown was born on May 5th, 1989 in the small town of Tappahannock, Virginia to Clinton Brown and Joyce Hawkins. Music entered his life when he started listening to the home radio and was influenced by artists like Michael Jackson and Sam Cooke. His interest and talent were nurtured further when he was sent to live with his Aunt in Arkansas where his younger cousins and he performed in a few local talent shows. Till Chris was 11 years old, he wanted to become a rapper but he began to notice his singing talents and started working on the same. When he was 13, Chris was discovered by a local production team which had come to his father's gas station is search of new talents. From this point on there was no looking back for Chris. He moved to New York and began his singing career. Singing Career The production team organized an audition event before Tina Davis who was the president of Def Jam (and is incidentally his manager now). When Chris turned 15, that is in 2004 he was sent to Los Angeles where he was signed a contract with Jive Records. Chris began working on

Awesome Irish Dancing

San Diego Vacation Travel Guide Welcome to San Diego, often called the birthplace of California. Start your San Diego tour with a stop in Old Town, a historic park filled with buildings dating back to the 1820s. If you want something a little livelier, go a few miles south to check out the Gaslamp District, full of Victorian-era architecture and a thriving bar

Come Live With Me

4 Things in Life That Worth Waiting For Nothing that is good in life ever comes easily, but if you really want it slowly but surely, you'll definitely get it! All you need to do is work towards it. That is never going to be easy, it'll require a lot of work, faith, and patience―lots of it. Just like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the best things in life come after a lot struggle, but the joy of getting what your heart truly desires definitely makes it worth the wait! True Love is Worth Waiting For Even if it Takes a Lifetime. Then in Return a Lifetime of Love Will be Waiting for You. True love comes almost only once in a lifetime, after innumerable heartbreaks and countless tears are shed. It takes a while to figure out who we are, a while to figure out what we want, and almost a lifetime to find it. But once found, it makes every tear shed in the process worth it. We're not saying that love once found is going to be a bed of roses from thereafter, there are going to be a few bumps in the road. When two people truly love each other, they find a way to work things out no matter what the situation may be. Someone to share your good days and your bad days with, knowing that no

Love is Not Easy

The Way You Make Me Feel It started with a simple touch. It didn't seem at all too much. But then i found your hands in mine And before I knew it there was no time. I felt your hand stroke my cheek I felt my legs going weak You ran

Texting and Facebook

Why You Need Facebook Lessons Everybody knows what Facebook is, and with about 1 billion users across the world, it's easy to see. Still, just because you know what Facebook is, it doesn't mean that you know how to properly use the service, and take full advantage of everything that is has to offer. That includes people who have already been on Facebook for years and still don't really know what they're doing. The truth is that most of us are in need of Facebook lessons, whether we want to admit it or not. Some people may need lessons on the website simply to learn how to have more fun, and use more of the features. For example, do you know how to tag photos that you post? Do you know how to post photos directly when you take them from your camera? Do you know how to include other people's names

Aromatherapy Massage 7

Beating Depression By Action Depression can come on us at any time of the year. Sometimes, holidays are the worst times for those that feel this down-in-the-dumps fear and worry and things just seem to happen to make us feel gloomy and sad. Note that this feeling happens to all of us at one time or another. No one can or should ignore this feeling. It is universal and the blues are very much ingrained in our world. Music and movies are legendary in handling this subject. If the feeling is too overwhelming, then sometimes professional help is the desired action. We will just talk here about the funk of depression, the knotted thinking that nothing is right and it will only get worse. The following things are suggested to help: 1. Laughing is the best medicine is an old adage, but so true. It is amazing how when you are depressed, just laughing about something and releasing the stress, can make you feel better. If you are having trouble finding something to laugh about, maybe you can find some people to keep close that cheer you up, that you can call when you feel bad, those who you know will let you apply the "strength


Hokey Girls Keep Everyone Entertained To make sure everybody is happy at a hockey match, these sexy girls make sure you won’t go home upset even if you’re favorite team just lost the game last night. Check them out:

Dating in Mobile World

Relationships are very beneficial. You know how your relationships have helped to mold you into who you are. You can probably name things you have learned through relationships and valuable things you have taken away form relationships. Relationships do a lot for us. There are actually four key reasons for relationships. They are outlined below. 1. Lessons. Relationships help up to learn and to teach others. Through our relationships, even our earliest with our parents, we learn. We can learn simple things, like how to walk or talk and we can learn complex things like how to let go or how to love. The lessons we get from relationships are priceless and may not be learned elsewhere.


It is really quite simple, for a team to win or accomplish a task they have to be motivated to. However, team motivation is affected by many factors. According to experts, the clarity of purpose, the present challenges, the existing leadership, the camaraderie and the growth opportunities present in the team can affect its overall performance. Clarity Of Purpose One of the most important factors that can keep a team motivated is clarity of purpose. As long as the members of the team share a common goal or purpose, they will have the motivation to work together. According to studies, team motivation is at its highest when all the members of the team fully understand their purpose and strongly believe in what they are doing. To achieve clarity of purpose and to give each team member a sense of ownership

10 Unique Ideas To Propose

Put passion Put passion into what you do, whatever it is. Your passion confers great power, and engages your best abilities, and you can put it into anything. There’s no need to search for, or wait for, or wonder about what will

Dating Ideas

  Just like those body-spray commercials wherein young men attract hordes of beautiful women by dousing themselves with fragrance, male songbirds draw attention to themselves through their own special chemical communication, a new study has shown.

Teenager Relationship

Dating with Intensions The intentions behind a person's urge and need to date, are a clear reflection of how he perceives the process of dating. If a person is only looking for a short-term stint and sexual pleasure, then he may approach a date keeping only these two things in mind. Love, companionship, commitment and marriage would never be his intention. Besides the type of intentions I just mentioned, there are many other manifestations of intentions, that work at the subtle level, and influence a person's expectation from a date. Let us take a look at some major reasons why people go out together. At The Heart of Intentions Companionship. Although some people try to deny that, they need someone to love them, and someone who they can love back; it's true that everyone needs someone. Human interaction is normal, healthy and natural. Having a relationship with someone is an extremely meaningful experience. People who date for this reason aren't in denial about their needs as a human being. Sex. There are people who date just for sex. Sometimes people, particularly women, desire intimacy strongly, and think sex is the way to get it. It is the very closest you can get to a person, physically and spiritually. The other realms of closeness, emotional and intellectual,

Cheating Spouse Information

Flirting with a guy over text is the latest improvement in the flirting ritual that has been a part of the dating game since ages! The evolution from fleeting glances to roses to unsigned gifts has now reached the modern stage of text messages. Read how you too can enjoy this new-age flirting game! OK! So you like a guy. You have his cell phone number. You don't know what he thinks about you but you are dying to find out. You don't want to call him because that might seem too desperate. I have the perfect solution! Text him! Here are some easy to learn (and follow) flirting tips for girls. Use these tips for flirting and enjoy the results! Initiate! Waiting for a guy to make the first move can get pretty frustrating! Do the unexpected by initiating the conversation. Send him a casual text message which does not necessarily require a response. It could be a joke or a funny quote or something of the sort. This will help you to figure out if he's actually interested or not. If he's interested, he will definitely respond. Be Nice! Take your time to respond to his texts (but not so long that he begins to wonder what you actually want from him). After you get over the initial excitement, compliment him on something that you


Aromatherapy: Titillating the Senses Aromatherapy literally means curative treatment by means of fragrance. It refers to a particular branch of herbal medicine that uses concentrated plant oils called essential oils to improve physical and emotional health, and to restore balance. Each of these oils, has its own natural fragrance and gentle healing action. This makes it one of the most pleasant and popular alternative healing therapies. The pure essences of aromatic plants have been prized for thousands of years for their health-giving properties and scents. Origins It was 4500 BC, when the Chinese discovered plants with medicinal properties; they extracted the oils from these plants and used it as offerings to the Gods. Other than religious purposes, it was also used for preservation of corpses to prepare them for the next world. Early Use The oils played an important role in the rise in popularity of baths and massage, and body culture in Greece. Around 1000 AD, Arabians successfully distilled rose essence and they became the world's center for production of perfume. The medicinal properties of the oils were first highlighted in Western civilization in 14th and 15th century, when plague broke out in Europe and Asia. In order to disinfect various places, resins and oils of some aromatic plants were burned at these locations. It was however a French chemist, Rene Maurice Gattefosse, who coined the word aromatherapy after being impressed by the way his hand which was accidentally burnt in the laboratory, quickly healed when he immersed it in lavender oil.

I Got My Fan Box Cheque

I Got My Fan Box Cheque   First of all I will thanks to Fan Box team they give me a platform to make some blogs and get some extra money. When I started working here in Fan Box I had lots of doubts about how they will paid. But I did not stop myself to working on my blogs. In my early days I really work hard here and stay online all the time and share my blogs to other social networking sites and I got

Your Are Mine

The Girl in the Mirror Out of this hated chair you see That she would much prefer What she wanted was to be free To live like most everyone


There's nothing that captures the essence of love like the love songs. Some of the best love songs often have a very simple tune and even simpler lyrics. However, somewhere deep down inside, they manage to strike a chord in our heart. These are the songs that dwell on the beautiful feeling of love and its everlasting nature. So, given below are some of the top love songs of all time, that are bound to make you all lose yourself in the arms of that special someone. Top Love Songs of All Time List I can't help falling in love with you - Elvis Presley The power of love - Celine Dion Eternal flame - The Bangles Can you feel the love tonight? - Elton John I do - Westlife This I promise you - N Sync As long as you love me - Backstreet boys Love is all around - Wet Wet Wet I'll be there - The Jackson 5 Every little thing she does is magic - The Police I'd do anything for love (but I won't do that) - Meat Loaf It must have been love - Roxette Unchained melody - Righteous brothers Nobody wants to be lonely - Ricky Martin and Christina Aguilera Love to love you baby - Donna Summers How do I live - LeAnn Rimes Hero - Enrique Iglesias

Thinking And Inspiration

10 Tips for Working From Home I’ve been working from home for close to six years now. As the head of the Account Management department at Mom It Forward (which is my full-time job), I also manage How To: Simplify, and dabble here and there over at Jen Tilley Photography. Working from home has been quite the experience. Before I started working for Mom It Forward, I was all too familiar with commutes and office work. Whether I had to drive an hour to get to work or ride the metro for an hour, once I got into the office, I sipped on my coffee while answering emails, hopping on conference calls, meeting with designers, attending meetings, and chatting with co-workers. I went out to lunch with co-workers or shopped during my lunch break. When the clock struck a reasonable “end of day” hour, I would shut everything down, head home, and enjoy the rest of my night. And then I was offered the opportunity to work from home thanks to Mom It Forward. From the type of work I was hired to do to the promise of working home, I was all about signing that dotted line. Little did I know how interesting things would get working from home. Cons of Working From Home When talking to people about working from home, so many people say, “Oh man. You are so lucky to work from home. That must be so nice.” Why, yes. Yes it is nice. I also get, “It must be so nice to spend all day with your son while you work at home.” Having a toddler run around asking for my attention while trying to answer emails, schedule conference calls, attack the work to do list, and keep my eyes open on very little sleep … it can be extremely difficult at times (speaking from experience since I somehow managed it for 23 months). So, enter the cons of working from home: You don’t really have a “clock in” and “clock out” time. As long as you have a computer and phone, you can work. You can become quite the homebody since work is at home. Your house is both for your personal space and your work space. You can never escape the office to go home because home is your office. You miss out on office camaraderie. You can turn into a workaholic since it’s so easy to just hop on your computer. A few minutes can easily turn into a few hours. You are the only person around all day. In other words, you can get a little lonely. You might have to look into daycare options for your child(ren) in order to successfully and effectively work from home. Pros of Working From Home There might be a few more cons to add to the list but I don’t want to get too negative. Why? Because I’m not a negative person. Plus, I love working from home. I absolutely love it. But, it has taken time for me to create a system that works for my family, for my work, and for me. I’m a workaholic


Guys, it’s as simple as this. If you want to build a healthy relationship and maintain an attraction with any woman, you’re going to have to learn the art of making her desire you each and every day. It’s a lot more fun than you think, so don’t worry. Let’s face it, women are puzzles. But puzzles are fun! This is the approach that you must take when trying to impress your woman in order to create desire within her. Learn to see it as an exciting challenge, because you’ll actually grow more as a man in your desire to impress her. So if you want to learn how to impress your woman and make her desire you more as a capable lover, just follow this love tip and you’ll be sure to solve the riddle that is your woman. Go the Extra Mile for Her Hopefully you guys understand the importance of a man’s character in making her desire you, but now it’s


One Special Night As I sit here gazing out the window, Instead of working, I’m daydreaming of you... And wondering if while you’re in your own world, You’re thinking of me too. I reminisce about the day we met and how you made me feel, Looking at the glowing smile on your face, Staring


Life is Fine I went down to the river, I set down on the bank. I tried to think but couldn't, So I jumped in and sank. I came up once and hollered! I came up twice and cried! If that water hadn't a-been so cold I might've sunk and died.

A Sweet Kiss

How sweet and lasting can a kiss be? My heart begs me to find the place, When my lips were found upon your face. When crimson flush had filled

Love and Jealousy

Sometimes it's easy to get so caught up in a relationship that you don't stop and think how your actions look to someone other than your partner. Yet often the way to get an accurate assessment as to the kind of partner you are, is by seeing what others think of you. Whether or not you're a jealous person is one of these issues because you may have no idea that your behavior comes across as that of a jealous partner, rather than a caring one. Your friends, and your partner's friends, however will have a better view on that! If you don't think that you're jealous, consider how you act when your partner is out with other people. Do you trust them completely? Are you secure enough to know that even if there's some mild flirtation

Passion And Love

My love, Are you still mine? 'Cause there are many... Fantasy thoughts going through my head, As all I do is think of you... As I've hungered, For your loving burning touch, As I need

Beautiful Celebrity Pictures

Carla Ossa Beautiful Pictures Here's a beautiful collection of Colombian model Carla Ossa pictures. I hope you all will like it.


Today I am going to share this video about  how to overcome obstacles and stay focused. I hope you all like it.

World Famous Women Writers

World Famous Women Writers Women have excelled in the field of literature also. The authors such as George Eliot, Mary Shelley, Enid Blyton, Agatha Christie are remembered even today for their literary works. There are many women poets, whose works are held in high esteem even today. Take a look at a few of the world famous women writers. Alice Walker: She is an African-American author. Most of her works are based on issues such as racism and gender. Her novel "The Color Purple" won the Pulitzer Prize. Anna Laetitia Aikin: She was a British poet who lived in the 18th century. She is also known by her married name Barbauld. She has written many poems. "The Rights Of Women", "A Thought On Death", "The Caterpillar" are some of her famous poems that are revered by readers around the world. Agatha Christie: Agatha Christie is a popular mystery writer of the 19th century. More than one billion copies of her books have been sold. Her books have been translated into 45 languages. Famous detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple are characters who solve mysteries in her books. "Harlequin Tea Set And Other Stories", "The Regatta Mystery And Other Stories" are a collection of short stories penned by her. Enid Blyton: Enid Blyton is a British children’s author. She has written 800 books in 40 years. Her notable works are "Noddy", "The Enchanted Wood" and "Famous Five" series. She has also written few books in a pseudonym Mary Pollock. Children around the globe love her books. Anita Desai: Anita Desai is an Indian writer of the 20th century. She received many national and international awards for her literary works. Her books "In Custody" and "Fasting, Feasting" were short listed for Booker Prize. Kiran Desai: Kiran Desai is an Indian author who received a Man Booker Prize for her work "The Inheritance Of Loss" in the year 2006. This was her second book. Her first novel was "Hullabaloo In The Guava Orchard". Maya Angelou: Marguerite Ann Johnson is an African-American poet, actress and memoirist. She writes under pen name Maya

Pioneer For Democracy

Democracy always favors dialogue over confrontation. So, too, in Pakistan, where the terrorists who threaten both our country and the United States have gained the most from the recent verbal assaults some in America have made against Pakistan. This strategy is damaging the relationship between Pakistan and the United States and compromising common goals in defeating terrorism, extremism and fanaticism. It is time for the rhetoric to cool and for serious dialogue between allies to resume. Pakistan sits on many critical fault lines. Terrorism is not a statistic for us. Our geopolitical location forces us to look to a future where the great global wars will be fought on the battleground of ideas. From the Middle East to South Asia, a hurricane of change is transforming closed societies into marketplaces of competing narratives. The contest between the incendiary politics of extremism and the slow burn of modern democracy is already being fought in every village filled with cellphones, in every schoolroom, on every television talk show. It is a battle that moderation must win. Our motives are simple. We have a huge population of young people who have few choices in life. Our task is to turn this demographic challenge into a dividend for democracy and pluralism, where the embrace of tolerance elbows out the lure of extremism, where jobs turn desolation into opportunity and empowerment, where plowshares take the place of guns, where women and minorities have a meaningful place in society. None of this vision for a new Pakistan is premised on the politics of victimhood. It pivots on a worldview where we fight the war against extremism and terrorism as our battle, at every precinct and until the last person, even though we lack the resources to match our commitment. When Pakistan seeks support, we look for trade that will make us sustainable, not aid that will bind us in transactional ties. When we commit to a partnership against


Easy Homemade Banana Pudding Recipes Pudding is a rich savory dish, that is usually served hot. The word pudding originally came from the Latin word botellus (small sausage). And banana pudding is one of the popular pudding recipes. It is very tasty, delicious, and easy to prepare at home. Banana pudding is usually a common dessert in the Southern United States. Generally, it consists of repeated layers of banana slices, sweet custard, and cookies set in a dish and baked, served with whipped cream. If you are a foodie and require easy recipes for the same, find out these easy homemade banana pudding recipes given below. Home-Style Banana Pudding Ingredients: 3 to 4 bananas, ripe but firm 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 3/4 cup granulated sugar 3 large egg yolks 3 cups milk, low-fat or whole 1/4 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons butter, room temperature 2 teaspoons vanilla sweetened whipped cream or whipped topping 1 box vanilla wafer cookies 3-5 banana slices for garnish mint sprigs (optional) Preparation: Take a bowl, combine the sugar, flour, salt; stir well and blend. Slowly stir in milk until smooth. Pour into the top of double boiler over simmering water. Cook, whisking frequently, until the mixture begins to thicken. In a small bowl, whisk the egg yolks; gradually whisk in about 1 cup of a bit thickened hot milk mixture. Return egg mixture to the double boiler, stir in the vanilla and butter, and continue whisking and cooking until its thickened.


  Sweet Potato Sheet Cake with Bacon Cream Cheese Frosting Betty Crocker® cake mix and bacon cream cheese frosting come together in this sweet potato cake – a delicious dessert treat for your guests. Ingredients Cake 1  box Betty Crocker™ SuperMoist™ yellow cake mix3/4  cup milk

Blogging And Money

4 Reasons Why You Fail At Investing If you are like the average investor, you fail at investing. I’m sorry to be so harsh, but studies have shown this to be true. The average investor only earns 2% a year while the stock market earns an average of 8%. Why the discrepancy? The main reason is because we are human and we derail ourselves from what should be done. Below I list 4 of the biggest reasons why you fail at investing. Are you guilty of any of these?   4 Reasons Why You Fail At Investing You’re A Trader, Not An Investor If you find yourself placing buy and sell trades frequently throughout the year, then you are a trader and not an investor. An investor creates a plan and chooses a basket of investments to invest in. Then she makes it a point to continuously buy more and more of these holdings. There is no selling because she is invested for the long-term. When you trade, you are trying to take advantage of short-term market fluctuations. This

What and Why Using FanBox

If you are just joining us and want to know about FanBox history                         Then you must see this inspiring video

Technology And Innovation

8 Things You Didn’t Know There Was an App For We live in a strange world. With technology evolving at a rate never before seen in human history, we now carry pieces of metal, plastic and glass in our pocket that can connect us to friends, family and loved ones all across the world. With the click of a few buttons, we can access information on almost any topic without the need of a book, a library or even a computer. Yes, the smartphone has made our lives much easier, but there are many things that your phone can do that you might not be aware of. From monetizing various aspects of your daily routine to helping you find fish on the lake, there is an app for almost everything. Take a look at these eight apps, and I’m sure you’ll find something new and helpful!   1 .Foap Most people are familiar with Instagram, Snapchat, or the numerous other photo-taking apps on the market, but these are very limited in their capacities. Sure, you can upload the photos to Facebook or share them immediately with friends, but beyond that these apps are very limited. Notably, these apps are not built to help you market or sell your photos. Luckily, there is Foap. Unlike other photography apps, Foap allows photographers to post an unlimited number of photographs whose licenses can be purchased by various brands and agencies to use. For these brands and agencies, there are numerous photos taken by people all over the world that can now be purchased easily and quickly. Further, these photos are inexpensive but can still generate a good amount of revenue for photographers. The license for each photo sells for $10 with the money being split evenly between the picture-taker and the employees at Foap. Instead of posting photos for free on Facebook and getting “paid” in likes

Modern Women And The Perfect Man

Modern Women And The Perfect Man In this day and age women have their own plans, goals, and careers. Witha all of these things weighing on her time judging a man suitable has become a short process of determining whether his character is reasonable and pleasing. Lets place an image in your mind; a woman who has accomplished her short-term goals of a college degree and securing the job of her dreams. Now she is thinking of starting a long-term committed relationship. The process of finding the right man will be done thoroughly, just as she picked the perfect college and job. What would this woman be looking for in a man? That all depends on her values, personality, and her past relationships. These relationships include romantic as well as those with friends and family. She may look for a man who has been as thorough in choosing his college and career as she was. She

The Importance of Coaching

The Importance of Coaching   Why coaching services are expanding and how best to use a coach. You are a key member of your company. People rely on your leadership, interpersonal skills, judgments and decisions and expect you to continually 'come up with the goods'. As a matter of course, you are called upon to give keynote speeches, chair crucial meetings, develop strategy and people, focus on succession planning, handle crises and deal with the internal and external pressures that go with your position. Part of the deal is that others do expect you to handle all that and more with grace, professionalism, energy and enthusiasm. And then there's the rest of your life, too: all that work-life balance stuff.

Brazilian Supermodel

Brazilian Supermodel We all know Fridays are pretty damn awesome but I have a feeling that this one will be even better. That’s because we have not one, not two, but THREE amazing girls you probably don’t know yet ready to knock your socks off with their groovy little bodies and all around hotness.

Serious Health Concerns For Wemen

Natural Remedies for Heartburn and Severe Acid Reflux Heartburn is something that most adults will experience during their lifetime. It is characterized by an uncomfortable burning sensation right behind the breastbone that often times creeps up the throat and is a symptom more so than a disease. GERD is usually caused by changes in the barrier between the stomach and the esophagus, including abnormal relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter, which normally holds the top of the stomach closed, impaired expulsion of gastric reflux from the esophagus. Acid reflux symptoms most often occur: after eating a heavy meal, When bending over or lifting an object and when lying down, especially on your back. While over-the-counter and prescription medications are available, if you suffer only from occasional heartburn, lifestyle changes and heartburn home remedies may be the route you want to take. Drink Aloe Juice Aloe is a plant used to soothe burns, and people often think of using it to help something like sunburn, but it can do more than that. You will need: 1/2 cup aloe vera juice. Drink a ½ cup of aloe juice, cool or room temperature, before meals. It may be able to help with heartburn too because it reduces inflammation. Keep in mind that aloe can act as a laxative. Avoid Tight Fitting Clothes Things cinched tightly about your waist or middle can worsen heartburn. If you have super tight jeans on, when you sit down, the waistband is going to sink into your abdomen region. Same goes for tight belts-and even shirts can be a problem for some. Pressure on your lower esophageal sphincter which make it more likely stomach contents, will push through and you’ll


8 Ideas to Make Money from Home Wouldn't it be nice if you were lazing around on your couch all day, watching movies, eating popcorn, and yet making money, all from the comfort of your own house? Well, here's some good news for all you daydreamers out there. There are, in fact, quite a few ways to do so, without even having to leave for once. Most of these jobs are Internet and computer-related; however, there are also a few non-technical options available. Let us explore the different possibilities through which homemakers, work-at-home moms, single moms, retired citizens, students, unemployed citizens, layoff victims, and almost anyone else can make money this way. Become a Licensed Insurance Agent There are several people who register themselves with insurance companies and become independent insurance agents. Many of them go about selling insurance from their homes, rather than indulging into field activities or working at the company office. It provides them freedom to work at their own pace and plan their work accordingly. Hold a Garage Sale Every once in a while, we come across stuff in our houses, which is outdated, obsolete, or totally unnecessary. Rather than letting

FanBox Products And Services Guide

Online Business Ideas Past decade has seen a widespread use of Internet across the globe. It has fast emerged as a means of communication, entertainment and business. Increasing number of people ditch the conventional means of business and opt for more convenient and simpler means of e-commerce. Obviously, Internet has also presented a plethora of opportunities for budding entrepreneurs who wish to make quick bucks. If you are also on a look out for similar opportunities on the Internet, then the following ideas should help you. Online Business Ideas For Women Many housewives, moms are seeking newer ways of making money online. The biggest advantage of Internet business is that it allows you to work from home without any time constraints. Besides, the initial investment is also not substantial. Hence, this is a great business medium for women entrepreneurs. Selling Things Online Many homemakers are skilled at certain arts such as painting, making artifacts, costume designing etc. Internet offers you a golden opportunity to sell your talent online. You can easily showcase your work on the Internet

FanBox Users Guide For New Products

FanBox Users Guide For New Products Hello my friends and fans now I am here to guide you how you can earn money by building ads for other people’s Products, Service or Premium Blogs. First of all just click on Provide button on the News feeds. Then provide window will open and now you can see hundreds of new products and services are there for sale by FanBox users. Now you can see different ads and service are there for sale with different prices. Now you select the best Products and Service to make ads. It is now your duty to check that which products and services can be attract FanBox users to purchase then you make ads on it. Now you click on any ads of products and Services a new window will open. Now click on the bookmark on the top left corner. Now click on the Promote button on the news feed. New window will open!   Now click on the drop down list and chose a "A Service, Product

FanBox Videos For Newbie

Internet Marketing for Newbies If you run a new internet business, then it could be quite challenging to advertise your brand name by yourself in the market. In any style of business, the only approach to survive is to have a consistent flow of prospects and enquiries regarding the product or service you offer. This goal can be achieved by employing the right internet marketing strategies. Many newbies do not fully grasp the concept of internet marketing and fail in their marketing campaign. If you want to be off this list, then here are a few ideas on how to do internet marketing effectively and to bring home the bacon. SEO & SEM Search engine optimization and search engine marketing can be the most affordable solutions for any business to boost their online presence. By ranking your website on the very first page of search engine results, you are tapping into a huge number of people looking for what exactly you offer. SEO is often a medium to long-term internet marketing strategy. You have to pick the right keywords and know how to strategically place those keywords throughout your website to get a

Facts About Coaching

 Facts About Coaching Today I am going to post about the benefits of coaching and its importance of personal development. I hope the people those are becoming success coach here in FanBox will get some help to educate their clients. What is coaching? Coaching is a fairly young discipline, so there are a lot of definitions of the term "coaching". Let's take a look at various descriptions offered on the World Wide Web. Coaching can be defined as: A process providing an individual with feedback, insight and guidance on achieving their full potential in their business or personal life. A strategy used to help individuals reach their fullest potential and achieve their goals. A set of practical skills and a style of relating that develop the potential of both the individual being coached and the coach. A professional relationship in which you work together with your coach to clarify your options, set goals and develop action plans to achieve these goals. Benefits of Corporate Coaching: Organizational Development.

Video Blogging Tips

How to Earn Money with YouTube The world is minting money over the web, and you are probably doing nothing but buffering videos. Do not worry, and waste no more time just uploading useless videos, but earn grands and grands out of it with effective uploading. For innocent internet users who are still unaware of what I'm talking about, this will blow your mind! Now, just upload a video that catches the eye of thousands of YouTube visitors, and they will pay you. Don't believe me? Well, try it out yourself. However, before being a ninja, better know the basics of how to earn money with YouTube. Now, if you think I'm not serious, you should check this one out. When the search giant is getting millions and millions of hits everyday, it would definitely want to reward its users with the help of various perks. That's where one can make easy money online with YouTube's feature of uploading their videos. These videos may vary from movie clips to your customized home-made videos, provided they get enough hits. Apart from that, there are many ways by which you get paid for just watching videos. Isn't that all exciting? Let's take a whack of how this is done. Process Of Uploading and Earning Have you heard of Pay Per Click advertising? If you haven't, let me tell you that when a large number of people visit video hosting sites such as YouTube, they tend to browse through a number of videos, and click on each. The more the number of clicks, the more you mint money. In other words, each time some user clicks on your video, you earn. So, after an eternity of wandering throughout the web to find easy ways of making cash online, why wouldn't you want to try out this one too? You surely will. So, grab a

Bollywood Celebrity Sherlyn Chopra

Bollywood Celebrity Sherlyn Chopra Here is a great collection of beautiful Bollywood celebrity Sherlyn Chopra photos. She is one of the amazy beauty peach of the Indian film industries. I am sure you all my fanbox

Top 100 Ways To Earn Money Online

10 Steps to Set up an Online Clothing Store More than a couple of decades back, opening any kind of convenience or clothing store would involve steps like finding a location, deciding on finance, finding wholesalers, and then opening the store for sale. Despite the fact that marketing was an important phase, print media was more effective. As of today though, using the internet as a marketing tool for business is a fairly common practice; in fact, going online is the new mantra! So much that we can actually shop online. Shopping sites like Ebay and Amazon are some of the well-known shopping websites. If you like to deal with fabrics and designs and wish to open a clothing store, how about turning to the internet for help? This article will tell you how to start an online clothing store. While it focuses on clothing, the same can be applied to any other online store. Steps to Set Up an Online Clothing Store Read the steps below to know how to run a successful online clothing store. Pick a Niche This is one of the most important things you need to start an online clothing store (or for that matter, any store). Clothing and apparel is a very broad category. Therefore, to begin with, decide your product. Decide what you intend to sell. You may have several ideas where clothing is concerned. Would you like to explore floral prints? Or, would you prefer specializing in personalized clothing? You may even like to sell solely prom and cocktail dresses. Or you may specialize in recycled clothing or funky t-shirts or spring/winter clothing. Lay out your options and ideas and come up with a suitable option. You may want to open a store that has all the necessary clothing as well - jeans, tops, dresses, etc. But if you want to stand out, perhaps you need to put in a little more thought regarding the product offering. Your product design must be original. 'Exclusive' should be the watchword. You also have to consider your target audience. Your products will be different with an elderly audience and different with a teen audience or with kids. Once you have made an informed choice, proceed to the next step. Conduct Research Market research is not an option; it is a compulsion. You are not the only one who is planning to open an online store; there are many others who might be thinking about it currently, and many others who have already done so. You have to research your competition. Find out what they are selling, and try to incorporate something unique with your brand. Find out how much demand there is for your product. For instance, you will probably want to sell hand-knitted woolen tops, but they may not be very much in demand. Scrounge online forums, social media, and general surveys to research on the product demand. Another point you need to decide is the manufacturing. Are you going to design and manufacture the product yourself? Or are you going to get it designed and produced from a designer and supplier? Or you might opt for a combination. You might want your own designs, but you might get them manufactured

Top 100 Ways to make money online

How to Make More Money? How to earn more money is something that weighs on the strong minds of many people in the world as bills and expenses seem to constantly rise, while pay rates or fixed price rate and income seems to stay the same. Aside from the lottery or inheritance, learning how to earn quick money can be difficult, if not impossible or hard working. One of the best ways, though, is with additional small jobs. For an individual with some time, a part-time or job on the side might be helpful with financial normal problems. The Internet is a good place to seek additional income side, especially with auction sites and other similar possibilities. For the person with a full-time job or part

Email Marketing Guide

Internet Marketing Business Plan Internet Marketing, as a concept, is a requirement for any business or service provider, these days. I know, there are several websites that will help you to get your Internet promotion planning done yourself (a few of my articles would fall in the list too). Nonetheless, those ideas are most effective in case of small businesses. Like, if a business is in set up mode, then it would not be favorable for it to spend a lot of money on hiring professionals. As such, the "do-it-yourself" business plans are good to start off with. But, in the case of moderate to big businesses, the most plausible idea would be to hire a firm that could handle the Internet marketing on their behalf. This is why businesses promoted online have scope. As usual, I am going to start off with a case study: "LinkIn Consultancy is a firm that deals in Internet promoting solutions. It was started by a group of 4 college friends who were very Internet savvy and had done their Marketing Management Courses. As such, they know what the market needs and how to

Diet Tips For a Lifetime

Dry Fruits - A Source of Energy Fruits (be it in any form - fresh or dry) included in the diet, take care of the body's nutritional needs. They are broadly classified into two categories namely fleshy and dry fruits. If the exocarp and mesocarp of a fruit is succulent when fully grown, the fruit is classified as fleshy. A dry fruit is signified by a waterless exocarp and mesocarp, which is often thin and compressed. There are many types of dried fruits and nuts, available in various health food stores. These sun-ripened and air-dried products are rich sources of carbohydrates, vitamins (especially vitamin B), minerals and, of course, energy. Individuals of all age groups can include these energy-packed nutritional foods in their daily diet to garner maximum benefits, healthwise. Here are some varieties of dry fruits that help pep up the energy levels as well as nourish the body. Almonds Among the dry fruits, almonds are considered to be the best among all

Home Spa in Daily Bathing Routine

Home Spa in Daily Bathing Routine Today i am going to share a post about home spa. Amidst the busy and hectic schedules of personal and professional life, home spa treatments are a perfect way to pamper yourself. The luxury home spa is a wonderful way to transform your daily bath into a heavenly refreshing feeling of peace and relaxation. If you really want to give yourself a soothing treat, home spa experience is an ideal way to do it. For a blissful and enjoyable luxury home spa, few good quality skin care products and home spa treatments accessories are the basic requirements. Turn your usual bathing routine into an unforgettable home spa experience with these simple steps: Body Exfoliation Begin your home spa treatments with exfoliation

How I Taught My Kids to iShare

10 Things to Do When You Feel Unhappy Cheer up, it might never happen! People say the most unhelpful things, when they see that you are not happyand, although they are only trying to help, no number of people saying ‘Cheer up!’ will help. There are ways that you can beat the blues yourself though, and here are ten things for you to try the next time you are feeling unhappy: 1. Take the decision to be happy You don’t really want to feel unhappy. It’s no fun! So take the conscious decision that you are going to stop. You’d take medicine if you were unwell, so take some steps that will stop you being unhappy, and read on! 2. Get some fresh air Fresh air can do wonders for your mood, so get up, get dressed and go for a brisk walk. The exercise will release the ‘feel good’ hormones in your body and the fresh air will wake you up and make you feel more alert. 3. Play some happy clips on YouTube

Popular Blog Topics

Top 5 Future Technology Inventions | 2019 - 2050   This video shows the top 5 future technological inventions and creations which are expected to be available in between 2019 to 2050 A.D. These are the

A Bigenners Guide to Cooking

One-Pot Chicken-Bacon-Chipotle Alfredo   I really, really, really want to try to be a grownup here. Using big words and showing restraint. But, it’s bout to get nigh unto impossible.   Because. One-Pot-Chicken- Bacon Chipotle Alfredo is rocking my life. And it’s going to rock yours. This dinner is so good, it’ll make your face melt off. Literally. But not literally. But literally. As with every one-pot recipe, the brilliance here is the ease. Pop everything in a pot. Boil. It’s time to eat. Squeal buckets of joy.

Tips for Mortgages

Can Social Media Affect Your Credit Score How will you feel if you go to a credit-rating bureau to inquire about your low credit score, and the authorities answer, "We have monitored every move of yours! Your credit score is low due to your Facebook updates, as you have checked-in at 25 expensive restaurants in a month. You have even tweeted that you have run out of cash and will soon require a personal loan to support your lifestyle." You will be flabbergasted to find out how your creditworthiness was based on innocent and fun comments you posted on social networking sites. A couple of months back, one of the leading news vehicles reported that the credit reporting agencies are testing the integration of social media into the financial process in order to source information about an individual's creditworthiness and also establish his online identity. This means that even the harmless information you upload, can work against you in the complicated calculations of your credit score. Imagine someone rummaging through your social networking history including those of your friends. Scary isn't it? Don't worry, currently none of the top three credit rating agencies, i.e., Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian have resorted to include your social networking activities in your credit score. However, in the near future, whether it's your Facebook, Twitter, or personal blogs, every word you may have said--taking the liberty of it being your 'personal profile'--could be thoroughly scrutinized to draw inferences about your creditworthiness and to judge your personality. Let us explore a few more points regarding social media activity affecting credit score. Essential for Effective Risk Management People, who are in favor of social media activity affecting credit score claim that it can be treated as an effective medium to gain access to the type of personality of an individual, his identity, and creditworthiness. They also say that banks and creditors can manage the risk of lending money effectively, if they know the complete details about the person. Research Under Progress If you thought that by only paying your bills on time, you will be able to maintain a healthy credit score, then you are completely wrong. In a press release, Equifax stated that they are exploring the possibility of clubbing unstructured data (along with data from the social media) with structured, attributable data in order to develop analytical models that will help to assess the risks in better way and verify the person's identity. This means that any time in

Famous Scientists and Their Inventions

Accomplishments of Mother Teresa Mother Teresa was an Albanian Roman Catholic nun and a citizen of India. She is known to the world for her humanitarian approach towards society. Throughout life, she worked towards alleviating the sufferings of the sick and the dying. She was always a strong supporter of the poor and the helpless. Let us look at the accomplishments of this noble woman, Mother Teresa. Major Accomplishments of Mother Teresa In 1946, Mother Teresa received a divine message, possibly an intuition, after which she decided to devote her life to the betterment of society. In 1948, she started working with the poor. She soon became an Indian citizen and toured to different parts of India to uplift the downtrodden. In 1950, she was granted permission to establish the diocesan congregation, which would work for those, whom she described as "the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled,

7 Ways to Improve Your Healt... by ***Iftikhar ***

7 Ways to Improve Your Health in 60 Seconds When it comes to living a healthier life, we all know what we should be doing: eating better, exercising daily, and sleeping more. But when hectic schedules get in the way, living by these mantras can feel close to impossible — who has time to think about these things, let alone ensure you're sticking to them every single day? What you'll be happy to hear is that you can boost your health each day, without having to constantly think about it. "The One-Minute Wellness Coach" to the rescue! Certified nutritionist Deborah Enos is sharing her simple tricks that will only add a minute to your daily routine but result in some major health perks.

How to Make a Business Introduction

Business Ideas for Small Towns People have a common misconception that only those living in big metropolitan cities can make good money out of businesses. However, you need to realize that even if you are a small town resident, by considering some new business ideas for small towns, you too can earn a respectable amount of money. And these small town business ideas can be used as full-time or part-time income generators. The Internet has also enabled people to work and earn from anywhere, be it a city or a small town. It is certain, that there is a lot of hard work involved when it comes to earning money in small communities. Buying, Mending, and Reselling This is a business idea that requires hard work, dedication, and patience. You can visit shops or local markets and collect items that can be repaired and made to work. You will require some amount of technical expertise to start such a business. Painting Business Starting a painting business is one of the best business ideas for small towns. All you would require is some basic necessities and creative advertising. You can normally get great painting contracts from people living in the city. You can paint anything from cars, house interiors and exteriors,

Communication Problems in Families

Change your Life If you want to be able to change your life, then you must do something that you have not been doing up until this point. Jim Rohn said it best when he said, “For things to change, you must change.” The people who are able to create the life that they want despite their circumstances are the people who are able to get themselves to do what is necessary long enough to see their dreams become a reality. If you currently have a life that makes you unhappy or unsatisfied, then in order to change it, you must take a new set of actions. In this article, I will share with you a couple of tips to help you create a different outcome than the one you are currently heading towards. Change Your Mind Change Your Life The first thing you will need to change is your beliefs about what you can or cannot accomplish. I’m not only talking about money here. I’m talking about anything and everything that is important to you. If you want a wonderful relationship, then you must first believe that it’s possible. If you want a successful career, then you must first believe that it’s within your reach. Belief is a powerful thing, so powerful that if you believe you were meant to live a mediocre life, then that fate will be set in stone, at least in your mind. So how do you change your belief about what is possible? The first thing you need to do is understand what a belief is. A belief is simply a feeling of certainty. When you believe something, you are certain that it is true. When you don’t believe something, you are certain that it’s not true or

Relationship Ideas

  A TEAR ON MY PILLOW When I lay and think, in my bed at night, the day you'll arrive, seems nowhere in sight. I toss and I turn, dreaming of you, opening my eye's... checking if my dream came true.

Work at Home Ideas

How to Set Up an Online Furniture Store Selling furniture online has become a lucrative business as more and more customers are preferring to shop from the comfort of their home. There are many websites which offer competitive prices for the same brands of furniture. If you too want to capitalize on this business, you will have to first complete certain registration and licensing formalities. Ensure that you have a business name that would seem easy for customers to remember. Also, you will have to source initial funds for the business. These days, resorting to crowdfunding for any online business venture is fast gaining in popularity. You will also have to prepare a business plan which will help you take the right decisions. However, in order to be successful in this business, you must know exactly how to initiate it. Hence, if you are planning to open an online furniture store, we will tell you how to go about setting it up. Decide Furniture Since there are numerous types of furniture in the market, you will have to decide the type of furniture you plan to sell. Apart from this, you will also have to decide if you intend to sell used or new furniture. There are online sellers who even auction antique and vintage furniture. Also, there are too many different pieces of furniture like couch, table, chair, shelf, recliners, bar stools, beds, bean bags, etc. While it is recommended that you concentrate on one type of furniture initially, you will still have to order separate pieces. For example, if you want to concentrate on wooden furniture, you will have to order tables, chairs, beds, etc., in multiple numbers. Understand Market Before venturing in this business you will have to carry out a thorough market research. Suppose you are going to sell home furniture, then you will have to understand who your target market is, its composition, the furniture items that rake in maximum sales, offers that entice the customers into making a buying decision, peak

Money Making Ideas for Moms Stay at Home

Profitable Business Ideas The existence of any business establishment, project or venture depends upon its economic performances. Obstacles are plenty, when you want to start a good profitable business, small or big, full-time or side line, hurdles appear at every phase of the development of business. Fear, lack of capital and shortage of good money-making ideas are just a few of the many walls, that you bang against. The key to success however is, scaling the wall and jumping over it, and proceeding to the next wall that comes in front of you. List of Profitable Business Ideas Some ideas for beginners have been elaborated here, take your pick. Remember, the better your idea, and more the creativity, more shall be your profit. Internet and Online Business There are countless online profitable ideas that can be used for home based affiliate business. Such businesses include, Internet advertising and cash only surveys. In some cases, people can also take up content writing and writing

How to Make Money Tweeting?

Easy Money Making Crafts Being in a profession that you love is taking your hobby to a whole new level. And if your hobby is making crafts, but you're stuck in a job that you don't have a passion for, then you're being unfair to three parties. Firstly, to yourself because you're depriving yourself the joy of doing something that you love. Secondly, the people you're working for. If you don't enjoy the work you're doing, it is very likely that you're not giving it your all. And thirdly, to all those people who would be waiting for you to make some wonderful crafts that they can buy and use. There are tons of easy crafts that you can sell and make money with until you establish it into a full-fledged business. A few have been mentioned in this Buzzle article. Earn Money by Making Crafts at Home Making money through crafts is not necessarily a very new phenomenon. People have been making crafts and selling them since ages. However, if you want to know how you can make some money by selling such crafts, then you need to be prepared for some ups and downs. True that when you get a firm hold, you will flourish but you need to start at the basics. Don't make the mistake of beginning a business of homemade crafts without assessing if

Food That Help And Harm Your Sleep

Food That Help And Harm Your Sleep If you could pick the right foods to help you get the best sleep possible, wouldn't you? And if you knew which foods would hinder your restful slumber, wouldn't you avoid them? Now's your chance to learn which foods to eat, and which to steer clear of for a good night's sleep.   Reach for Tryptophan-Rich Foods We've all heard of warm milk's magical ability to send us off to dreamland. Do you know why it's true? Dairy foods contain tryptophan, which is a sleep-promoting substance. Other foods that are high in tryptophan include nuts and seeds, bananas, honey, and eggs.   Indulge Your Craving for Carbs Carbohydrate-rich foods complement dairy foods by increasing the level of sleep-inducing tryptophan in the blood. Few perfect late night snacks to get you snoozing might include a bowl of cereal and milk, yogurt and crackers, or bread and cheese. Have a Snack Before Bedtime If you struggle with insomnia, a little food in your stomach may help you sleep. But don't use this as an open invitation to pig out. Keep the snack small. A heavy meal will tax your digestive system, making you uncomfortable and unable to get soothing ZZZs.

How This Blog Makes $100K per Month

How This Blog Makes $100K per Month You know everyone thinks we’re fools, right? To most of the world, blogging is a joke. It isn’t a career. It isn’t a way to make money. It isn’t a tool for changing the world. It’s a hobby, a diversion, a fad that’ll come and go. Sure, you can start a blog, but don’t count on it to make you any money. That’s just silly. Try telling your family or friends or coworkers you want to quit your job and make money blogging. They’ll smile politely and ask, “Does anybody really make money from that?” Yes, they want you to have dreams. Yes, they want you to chase them. Yes, they want you to succeed. But they also want you to be “realistic.” If you really want to improve your life, you should get an advanced degree, write a book, or even start your own business, not hang all your hopes and dreams on some stupid little blog. Nobody can make money blogging. Can they? Well, I’m hesitant to say this, but… This blog makes over $100,000 per month. In fact, here’s a screenshot of our sales from January 2016: Granted, it was a good month. We don’t always make that much money. But we almost always cross $100,000 in sales. How? Well, I’ll tell you. Not because I want to brag (well, maybe a little), but because most of the advice out there about monetizing your blog is complete crap. For instance, do you see any ads on this site? No? How about e-books for sale? None of those either, huh? There’s a reason why. How I Learned to Make Money Blogging Over the past eight years, I’ve had the good fortune to work with some of thesmartest bloggers on the planet. I worked with Brian Clark as he builtCopyblogger to a multimillion dollar brand. Neil Patel and Hiten Shah also hired me to help them launch the KISSmetrics blog, eventually creating a multimillion dollar SaaS company. Combined, I wouldn’t be surprised if both blogs have earned more than $50 million. In comparison, the $100,000 per month I’ve managed to generate is a pittance. I’ll also be straight up with you… that income is far from passive. For the first several years, I worked 80-100 hours a week, and even now I usually put in at least 60 hours. The good news? It’s paid off. If you’ll take some of these lessons to heart, it’ll pay off for you too. Because here’s the thing: You’re Not a Fool. You Can Make Money Blogging. So, you want to make a living teaching other people what you know? Nothing wrong with that. Professors do it. So do public speakers and best-selling authors. Hell, consulting is a $415 billion industry, and what are all those consultants doing? Getting paid to teach. Blogging is no different. It’s just the same old models with some rocket fuel thrown in, courtesy of social media. Come on, How Do Bloggers Really Make Money? You want specific steps? Fine. Here’s exactly how to make money from your blog: Write content that gets lots of traffic Convert visitors into email subscribers Send those subscribers content that builds trust Sell products or services your audience wants   That’s it. Four steps. The problem? It’s freaking hard to do. The process is simple on the surface, but each step is enormously complicated and requires extraordinary skill. Especially the last one. For instance, do you want to sell your own products or services? If so, which ones? Here are just a few of the options: Make money blogging by selling these types of things Or… what if you don’t have any products and services to sell? What should you do then? Well, you can also make money blogging by selling someone else’s products and services. The most conventional (and least profitable) method is selling advertising, where you allow companies to promote their products and services to your audience in exchange for a fee. You can also form partnerships with other companies, promoting their products and services as an “affiliate” and earning a commission each time one of your readers purchases. Which model should you choose? What should you do? It’s up to you to decide, but before making your decision, there’s one crucial lesson you need to understand: You’re Not Just a Blogger The moment you decide to use your blog to make money, you’re no longerjust a blogger. At that moment, you also become an entrepreneur, and your blog becomes a small business. You’ve probably heard of financial planners giving free seminars to attract clients, right? Well, blogging is a lot like those free seminars. You’re giving away your expertise and knowledge in the hopes of attracting customers and then gaining their trust. In other words, if your goal is to make money, your blog is a lead generation mechanism. It also nurtures those leads until they are ready to purchase. “But Jon,” you say. “This sounds too corporate. I just want to make a few bucks on the side teaching people what I know.” My response? Don’t start a blog. In my opinion, it’s a terrible way to make a few bucks on the side. For one, there’s the time investment. I’ve never seen anyone learn everything necessary to build a profitable blog in less than three years. For two, there’s the chance of failure. Your first two or three blogs you start will probably fail because you make a fatal misstep. In other words, it’s exactly like starting a business. Exactly. Can you get rich? Sure, that’s why many people are attracted to entrepreneurship. If you start and grow a successful business, you can make millions or even billions of dollars. But you can also lose everything. For every entrepreneur who makes millions, there are dozens who invest years of their life into companies that ultimately fail, sometimes bankrupting them in the process. It’s a high risk/high reward lifestyle, and it requires more skill, smarts, and good old-fashioned work than most people can fathom. I’m not saying that to discourage you. I’m just trying to make sure you have reasonable expectations. Let me tell you how it happened for me… My Journey from $0-$100,000 a Month It took me about five

Aloha Aina: Love of the Land

Aloha Aina: Love of the Land  A nature documentary that