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Jun 25, 2018 · Uploaded by Neil Patel

Your Pinterest

Your Pinterest

Everybody and every company is trying to get noticed on the Internet. In this struggle for attention and sales, marketing agencies rack their brains trying to find original ideas that will captivate their audiences.

One of the most effective sites out right now is Pinterest, if you know how to use it. If you know how to post items the right way, it can be an amazing tool to pique product interest and scale your business. Unless you have marketing agencies working for you, you may not pick up on some of these tricks of the trade.

Price Tags

Pinterest users are not looking for inspiration or motivation on this network. They are looking to purchase items, so make sure you include the price of products you are trying to push on this platform.

Pin For Later

When you post something on Pinterest, copy the image and post it on different websites, too.

Newsletter Readers

A tip that market agencies are sharing to business owners is how they can incorporate their pins into the newsletters that they send out.

Group Boards

Using group boards is an excellent way to get repins. It can be difficult to find good group board, so be patient.


It is important to constantly promote your Pinterest account. Marketing agencies understand that having a good presence can make or break your business.

Drive Traffic

By creating a board, you provide a place for followers to find all of your blog posts. Make sure your blogs and titles contain relevant keywords so it is easy for followers to find your content in their search engine’s results.


If an account commonly pins your competitor’s content, try to get them to pin your content, too.

Be Creative

Anytime you are trying to interact with your customers on any social media profile it is very important to be witty and creative. Having a profile that is exciting and interesting is the only way to get potential customers to view your page.


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by Fusion 360 Studios Digital Marketing Specialists

Vincent Otiede writes for Fusion 360, an advertising agency in Utah.