Netboard is a world wide accessible web page where you can easily gather videos, photos, RSS feeds, presentations, links and many more things from the web. Netboard is the best way to combine and share different web content.
Your netboard is totally your own web space. You can put everything unless it violates the Terms of Service.
Complaint is a way to notify administrators about netboards that violate Terms of the Services.
Please describe it using Feedback widget (Contact Support) at your personal page or just email us about the problem (
We will try to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
Email us about it ( and we will try to add it.
No one else can see your private netboard.
You can select friends who can see your private netboard at your personal page using "Who can see this netboard" action. Also you can do it in the netboard menu using "Grant access" option.
Just drag the post to the target tab name and its content will be shown.
Just drag and drop the tab while your netboard is in Edit mode.
Just post the link, which Google suggests you for the document sharing.
Co-author changes won't become public until netboard owner approves them.
Co-author will gain access automatically.