Fine Mess Pottery: A Sticky Business Using Elmer's Glue as a…


white wedding - WHITE NOISE series - delicate lace imprint…

gorgeous lace imprint polymer clay brooch beautiful!


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Etiwanda Gardens Weddings 
Your Beautiful Wedding & Reception Venue in the Inland Empire
California Dream Wedding 
Host your wedding at one of our upscale Southern California clubs
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Spectacular Panoramic River Views Historic House, Lawns & Gardens
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25 Chic Short Hairstyles For Older Women_8

~Michelle McCoy~

 Every bride wants a fairytale wedding

Every bride wants a fairytale wedding.  Here I try and minimize problems that may occur during a wedding reception.   Listed below are the more common mistakes made by brides and grooms during your wedding reception.  I'll let you know what and importantly what not to do!   Don’t leave early.  Your guests came from near and far to see you on your wedding day and show community support for your unuion. Pay them honour and respect for life with your true love will not be all roses. Not to mention they have seen very little of you in the preceeding weeks of the wedding as you have had so much to do and focused on just one thing they probably miss the other you.  Setup all the tables.  Your wedding vendors will need to know where to set-up.  Be sure there is a table for the wedding cake, music entertainment, catered food, sign-in near the entrance, gift table, tables and chairs for all your guests to eat and any other tables you may have planned for specialty items. Preplan with your vendors a day or two before the wedding.  Be sure all your wedding vendors

 Great Hair At Your Fingertips

Great Hair At Your Finger Tips If the amount of money consumers spend on hair care products annually is any indication, most people are concerned about the appearance of their hair and strive to attain beautiful, healthy and stylish locks. In fact, most will go to any lengths to achieve their desired look. From professional salon treatments to over-the-counter serums, hair care is a big business.  The only problem is that while many people are buying the right hair care products for their hair, they forget to follow basic hair care regimens that will guarantee the health and beauty of their tresses. Additionally, many are also causing needless damage to their hair by participating in unhealthy hair care behavior.  So, what should you do to make sure that your hair stays healthy, shiny and strong?  To avoid all hair care disasters, follow these 10 absolutes of great hair care.  Hair care

 10 Bridal Shower Games

Wondering if you know enough to host your friends Bridal Shower Games  This is the latest and oldest, being steeped in tradition, information of Bridal Shower Games The bridal shower is an casual yet intimate luncheon of the future brides women family and friends given in her honor.  Most bridal showers have games, a great deal of fun, allowing a bonding opportunity for all of the women at the party. These games often structured enabling a task for the bride to be completed. An idea on this later. A game that encourages the participants to get to know each other is always a fun game with which to start the party.   1) The Name Tag Game  encourages guest to mingle with the each other.   The hostess writes the name of each of the guests along with a word related to weddings such as veil, favors, groom, etc on a name tag.   Players are not allowed to say the word on their name tag or else they lose their name tag to the person who got them to say the word.   As the players acquire more tags they are tasked with not saying the words on those or their original tag So if they say the word on their own tag they give their tag to the person who made them say the word. If they say the word on one of their acquired tags they then give that tag to the person who made them say the word and introduce that person to the person that they got the card from. It really is as funny a game in practice as it it diffulcult to describe. A really great ice breaker. There is much to be done in this active afternoon of fun and laughter so it is wise to set a time limit. The person with the most tags when time runs out is the winner. 2) What's This In My Hand Bag? Another popular bridal shower idea.   The hostess draws up a list of items likely to appear in a woman’s hand bag and assigns a point value to each item ranging from 1-5 depending on how unusual the item is.   Keys maybe a 1 on the scale, a lip balm a 3 and an eye brow pencil a 5. Allowing 10 bonus points for the woman who can produce the most outrageous item from her purse curtainly creates shrieks of laughter. Who knew Auntie would be carrying those. Once the entire list has been completed, the woman with the most points is proclaimed the winner. 3) Television


TEA TREE OIL: THE A-Z OF THE AMAZING MELALEUCA TREE  CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE FOUND TEA TREE OIL I'm especially thankful and excited for you to have found this book.    Now in my 50s, from adulthood, I've lived largely on indulgence. With the last ten years spent working on roads under construction when I developed a horrible condition of reacting to heavens knows what, but cleaning products seemed to set it off mostly.     My face would swell till my eyes were slits, my face so swollen, my skin would exude fluid and split. My face was highly sun sensitive making outdoor work impossible and would take weeks to heal with large quantities of skin slothing off in the process. At my age you do not want to have rapidly thinning skin.      I saw my doctor and it was sugested a determitologist, but the first appointment would be months out, cost 100s and no garantee the symptoms would be present on the day.    I saw my accupuncturist and they relieved the symptoms, but it came back periodically. With no work this was getting expensive.    Long story short. Think I just got overloaded with toxins. I eliminated all soaps, detergents, perfumes, cleaners, dyes. And wow, did I get depressed without the pretty things in life. The house, and me, became progressively dull.     Ta Da ! ! ! then I found Tea Tree Oil. Amongst other things it's a mood enhancer and I was inspired to share. Now I do remember how I exactly found it was my dear ex-neighbour Rowena whom first introduced me to it, I am eternally grateful to her for it's bounty.     It's worth saying again. I am very excited for you to have found this and hope you gain as much benifit from applying 100% Tea Tree Oil in your life as I have.  THE TEA TREE     Melaleuca Alternifoliais or Tea Tree, so-named by British explorer, Captain James Cook, circa 1770, who's sailors made tea from the needle like leaves of the tree growing on the marshy areas of New South Wales and Queensland in Australia. Not a practice I promote as it is NOT TO BE INGESTED!     The tree is native to Australia is not found naturally occurring elsewhere. It has for many many centries been prized by the indigenous Aboriginal people of Australia for its properties as an anti-infective, antifungal agent.     In the late 20s an Australian Dr. A. R. Penfold documented clinical studies first conducted in 1923 of the amazing properties of Tea Tree Oil. He concluded the essential oil contained in the leaves of the Tea Tree to have 13 times the antiseptic and bacterial properties of Carbolic Acid, (an aromatic organic compound, a Phenol extracted then from Coal Tar and now Petrolium) and the means of sanitizing homes and hospitals then.    Some seven years later Mr. E. M. Humphrey published an article "A New Australian Germicide." Further exposing the virtues of Tea Tree oil as having a disinfectant action on the typhoid bacilli sixty times that of ordinary hand soap containing carbolic acid .     So important was Tea Tree in the 1940's that it was standard issue in first aid kits for Australian soldiers, Army and Navy, during World War II    Now coming up 9 decades, Tea Tree Oil has been documented in numerous medical studies to kill many strains of bacteria, viruses and fungi.    The University of Western Australia stated that tea tree’s primary active ingredients responsible for its ability to reduce harmful bacteria include terpene hydrocarbons,  monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes.    In a study published in the Journal of Dermatological Sciences, on tea tree oil, investigating its ability to fight skin cancer found, Tea Tree Oil to have a rapid effect on reducing cancerous tumors and boosting immunity.    Once antibiotics became widely available in the late 40s demand for tea tree oil declined.    Due to the rise in resistance of bacteria, viruses and fungi to antibiotics and conventional medicine failing many people, Tea Tree oil is again raising interest as a common household remedy not just in Australia but now globally.     Being a hardy tree with over 150 varieties it is readily available and the ultimate green renewable resource. WARNINGS       Alergy to Tea Tree Oil is rare but it is advisable to do a small skin patch test first on your arm or leg to make sure you don’t have a negative reaction before using larger amounts or applying it to your face, chest or neck.    Do not swallow tea tree oil EVER!        Pregnant women should avoid Tea Tree Oil in their last trimester. As it is thought to lessen the intensity of contractions.        Not for babies under six months of age.        Because of the way cats groom themselves and Tea Tree Oil is toxic if ingested, it is advisable not to spray them or directly on their bed area      OTHERWISE KNOWN AS     Aceite del Árbol de Té, Australian Tea Tree Oil, Huile de Melaleuca, Huile de Théier, Huile de Théier Australien, Huile Essentielle de Théier, Melaleuca alternifolia, Melaleuca Oil, Oil of Melaleuca, Oleum Melaleucae, Tea Tree, Tea Tree Essential Oil. GENERAL PROPERTY OF TEA TREE OIL    The chemicals in tea tree oil kill bacteria, viruses and fungi, and reduce allergic skin reactions. In addition, the antiseptic benefits of the oil allow its' use as a natural cleaner and disinfectant throughout the home.  GENERAL USE AND PREPARATION OF TEA TREE OIL    Throughout this book I refer to general purpose spritz. Typically I have a 750ml spray/spritz bottle with 1-2 Tsp, 5-10 mills, of 100% Tea Tree Oil then fill bottle with filtered water. One in each bathroom, separate toilets, laundry and the kitchen. Just so they are at hand when the cleaning urge inspires me.     A clean environment can become quite addictive and I don't want to stem the flow of that impulse. Shake bottle frequently as spritzing.     This mix I use for near everything but when a carrier oil is specified I prefer unrefined virgin organic coconut oil for it's natural soothing and moisturizing  properties. Enjoying the taste, smell and the fact when stored in the fridge it is solid. Melting to the touch just enough to deliver one serve of balm, moisturiser for topical application.    For a clear, colourless, odourless oil you might like to try Fractionated Coconut Oil. Though I have seen no need to try the fractionated variety loving what I use, it is reputed be odourless and to have a longer shelf life.    If you'd prefer, or it's just what you have available, olive oil, sweet almond, grapeseed oil are fine carriers too. Or you can mix with your regular purpose made products like shampoo and hand cream.     I use neat 100% Tea Tree Oil on small areas but it does dry the skin, hence the carrier oil as preventive to the drying effect.     My measurements are, in actual use, not very specific. These are home remedies I am offering here and I'm neither a scientist nor a doctor. Having said as much I do have on hand always General purpose cleaner, 750ml spray/spritz bottle with 1-2 teaspoon, 5-10 mills, of 100% Tea Tree Oil.  Coconut Oil infused 100% Tea Tree Oil stored in refridgerator Jojoba Oil infused 100% Tea Tree Oil stored in refridgerator   Lastly a small bottle of 100% Tea Tree Oil in my hand bag for using neat. Neat is 100% Tea Tree Oil=undiluted  For specific ailments I mix required for own supply  MEASUREMENTS 100 drops = 1 tsp 50 drops = 1/2 tsp  25 drops = 1/4 tsp  12 drops = 1/8 tsp  STORAGE    Light, heat, exposure to air, and moisture all affect oil stability of essential oils, so keep your tree oil stored in dark, cool, dry conditions preferably

 Isn’t it amazing that there are hundreds upon hund

Isn’t it amazing that there are hundreds upon hundreds of over-the-counter medications for every possible ailment, ache, pain, and mood - and yet many people still do not look to food as their source of power? Mother Nature knew exactly what she was doing when she provided us with all that we need for a healthy, well-balanced diet and the tools that we need to get through our day, our week, and our lifetime. While every food has its benefits, here are the five most worth mentioning: 1. Chicken – The white meat found in chicken contains the essential vitamins B12, B6, and B3. Chicken can assist in lowering your risk of stroke and also boost your mood. Chicken is low in fat (especially with the skin removed) and high in protein. Besides all the nutritional benefits, chicken is so versatile; it can be cooked in so many ways using a variety of tools such as the outdoor grill or an indoor rotisserie. And the B vitamins provide a host of benefits such as: * Fighting off anemia * Maintaining healthy blood

 Five Natural Foods That Promote Weight Loss

With so many over-the-counter supplements, diet pills, and weight loss remedies, it is easy to get confused and overwhelmed. Worse yet, most of those weight-loss remedies are full of chemicals that can be harmful to the immune system. While the may offer a quick fix, chances are that the weight will come back on just as quickly. However, you can turn toward food, natural foods that is, to promote weight loss and help keep it off. By turning to natural foods, not only do you lose the weight, you also increase your metabolism and boost your health. With these benefits in tow, why not explore these five natural foods that you can add to your diet to promote and keep off that weight? 1. Salad – While not everyone loves the greens, when you look at the multitude of benefits a green, leafy salad has to offer, you might just change your tune. Salads, especially those with green leafy spinach, can provid

 Five Healthy Foods That Make You Feel Great

Isn’t it amazing that there are hundreds upon hundreds of over-the-counter medications for every possible ailment, ache, pain, and mood - and yet many people still do not look to food as their source of power? Mother Nature knew exactly what she was doing when she provided us with all that we need for a healthy, well-balanced diet and the tools that we need to get through our day, our week, and our lifetime. While every food has its benefits, here are the five most worth mentioning: 1. Chicken – The white meat found in chicken contains the essential vitamins B12, B6, and B3. Chicken can assist in lowering your risk of stroke and also boost your mood. Chicken is low in fat (especially with the skin removed) and high in protein. Besides all the nutritional benefits, chicken is so versatile; it can be cooked in so many ways using a variety of

 Whole grains are extremely nutritious offering ben

Whole grains are extremely nutritious offering benefits such as: * Maintaining weight * Fighting off heart disease * Keeping the cholesterol level low * Maintaining regularity  * Keeping a healthy metabolism Fiber, B vitamins, magnesium, and iron are just a few of the extra value-packed nutritional benefits of grains. Many people are aware of the most common grains but may not be as privy to the ones that are a little more unusual. If you are aware of the power that these grains pack, you would be sure to include them into your daily diet. Quinoa Quinoa is a grain that resembles a combination of grain and rice. The history of quinoa dates all the way back to the Inca civilization. The Incas considered it to be a sacred grain and for a very good reason. Quinoa is packed with protein.

 With all the antibiotics found in today’s meat pro

With all the antibiotics found in today’s meat products, as well as things such as fillers, additives, and chemicals, many individuals are considering making the switch to a vegan diet.  Of course, when making any kind of change, all aspects of that change need exploring. There are many healthy aspects of a vegan diet. * In earlier days, vegan diets consisted of only vegetables. This is not the case today, however. Vegan diets now include meat-free items such as veggie burgers and veggie hot dogs. Some companies are now developing vegetarian products such as "steak strips" or "chicken nuggets." * Going out to eat for a vegetarian used to be a cause for concern. Variety was non-existent or limited at best. Today, however, almost every restaurant has a complete vegan menu from which to choose. * Studies have shown that eating a diet that is high in animal fats can lead to se

 Healthy Smoothie Ideas - Recipes That Actually Tas

Healthy Smoothie Ideas - Recipes That Actually Taste Good For several years now, the smoothie has been all the rage. However, some smoothies have good intentions but do not taste very good at all. As a matter of fact, the more healthy ingredients you have in a smoothie, sometimes the less taste there is to offer.     However, not all smoothies have to be full of high sugar fruits or bitter vegetables. If you combine the right ingredients that are personal favorites of yours, then you can come up with a win/win combination. You can experiment until you find the smoothie that is right for you.       Strawberries and Bananas – An All-Time Smoothie Classic     

 How to Eat More Whole Foods Each Day

How to Eat More Whole Foods Each Day      Once you understand what whole foods are, you can then begin to recognize why they are so important to the overall health and wellbeing of your body and mind. Whole foods are intended to be eaten as is and accepted for what their values and benefits are. When you eat a whole food, you offer your body a host of bountiful nutrients and benefits. One of those benefits is to allow your body to function the way that nature intended it.      The old adage that knowledge is power certainly does apply to whole foods. If you know how beneficial they are for maintaining weight loss and boosting metabolism, you will certainly find creative ways to incorporate those whole foods into your diet.     

 How Whole Foods Help You Lose Weight

How Whole Foods Help You Lose Weight       There is always a new fad in the diet and weight-loss industry in the way of a pill or a tonic. Today, however, trends seem to be heading back to the direction of what nature intended for us – good, wholesome foods. We hear a lot of talk about whole foods, but what exactly is a whole food anyway?       Whole foods are foods that are eaten just as nature intended them, without any change or processing. Every food designed by nature has a purpose and a cause and whole foods are excellent foods to look at when seeking to lose weight.      There are several things that whole foods do not or should not contain. For example, oatmeal can be either a processed food or natural whole food. If it is

 Seven Delicious and Healthy Snack Ideas

Seven Delicious and Healthy Snack Ideas      When we think snacks, we automatically assume that it has to be chocolate, decadent, and unhealthy. However, with a little research and a little more creativity, we can have delicious and healthy. In other words, we can have our cake and eat it too.      When thinking healthy, we can always turn to Mother Nature for some great ideas. When thinking delicious, we can use our creativity to incorporate delicious with healthy.   1. Trail mix – Trail mix generally got its name from the simple fact that hikers would munch on this mix of fruit, nuts, and seeds in an effort to keep their energy levels high while hiking. However, Trail mix has come a long, long way. Nuts of any variety such as almonds, walnuts, and cashews and shelled pistachios have replaced the typical peanut in trail mixes. Cranberries, dried apricots, and raisins give trail mix an added boost of energy and a delightfully sweet taste.

 Ten Healthy Eating Habits to Adopt

Ten Healthy Eating Habits to Adopt      As we know, a habit can be either good or bad and can certainly become a way of life. It is up to us to choose whether or not we want healthy eating habits incorporated to our daily lives.      When we view healthy eating habits as a choice and not something that has been forced upon us, we have the power to incorporate those healthy eating habits into the next year. With power and freedom to choose, healthy eating habits can simply be our everyday eating habits and not something we will ever have to think about again.      1. Add something new to your diet – Sometimes we think that dieting is all about taking something out of your diet. However, if you try to add something new to your diet every day, you will not feel as though you are missing anything. Try a new fruit or vegetable that you have never tried before.      2. Eat a good breakfast – Partaking in a good breakfast high in fiber and incorporating whole grains will keep you full and fit for the entire day. If you are concerned about cholesterol, an egg white frittata can fill the bill.     

 Staples of a Healthy Pantry

Staples of a Healthy Pantry      While many of us stock up our pantry in case of an emergency, very few of us think about stocking up a healthy food pantry. Sometimes food that is bought for the sole purpose of storing in a pantry for future use is not always the healthiest choice we can make.  However, there are several foods that are wonderful choices for both healthy and “in case of a pinch” pantry situations. Stocking your pantry with these items will make healthy cooking easy.   Beans          Possibly the number one food that should be in anyone’s pantry is the bean. Kidney beans, cannellini beans, lentils, and navy beans are only a few among the vast variety of beans. Beans contain large quantities of protein while offering just as much variety to any meal. Beans can be used as main ingredients in dishes such as casseroles

 Defining Leg Muscles

Defining Leg Muscles There are two main reasons you would want to tone and define your leg muscles to get ready for summer. The first, of course, is so you can look great strutting around in your swimsuit all season. The other is so you will have no problems trudging through the sand on all those long walks on the beach. Try these exercises to help define your leg muscles. Free Squats Stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart. Holding your arms out in front of you and keeping your posture straight, bend at the knees until you are at an almost sitting position. Hold that pose for a five seconds and then use your legs to straighten back up. Repeat ten times, three repetitions in total. Wall Squats Leaning your back against a wall, place your feet about two feet in front of you at about shoulder width apart. With your arms either out in front of you or straight down on the wall for extra support, bend at the knees until you are as close to a sitting position as

 Firming the Butt

Firming the Butt  If there is one thing you want to look good this swimsuit season, it's your butt. After all, it is one of the hardest parts to hide in a tiny swimsuit, and the most likely to jiggle in ways that you might not want it to. Luckily, there are exercises you can do to get your butt looking toned and firm. Squats Stand with your feet just wider than shoulder width apart, with your arms down by your sides. Slowly bend at the knees, extending your arms out in front of you, until you are at an almost sitting position - or lower if you can manage. Hold this position for a few seconds, and then slowly rise and come to your original standing position. Repeat this action 20 times, rest, and then repeat. Chair Squats This squat option is better for beginners who don't quite have the core strength to complete regular squats. In this version, you can stand in front of a chair. Complete the same movements, hovering just above the chair. Repeat 20 times, rest, and then repeat. Jump Squats

 Get Six-Pack Abs

Get Six-Pack Abs   Everyone wants those cut, six-pack abs, especially come summertime when you can really show them off. Ladies in their bikinis and crop tops and guys shirtless all the time, looking great is taken to a whole new level when you have the definition. You can obtain that awesome six-pack with the right amount of consistency and willpower.  Obtaining six-pack abs comes down to the usual diet and exercise, but understanding the specifics is what will make the difference between trying for six-pack abs and actually getting them. Diet * Eat Clean - The key to a healthy diet that is effective for dropping excess weight and trimming fat is eating “clean”. This means avoiding processed foods, fast foods, and other foods that are high in fat, sodium, and chemicals. Instead eat an all-natural diet that focuses on plenty of fresh produce, whole grains, and lean protein sources.  * Eat Enough - Many people consider diets to be all about withholding food, but that

 Strengthening Your Core

Strengthening Your Core To get ready for swimsuit season, you are probably doing a lot of targeted exercises to get in shape. You are likely focusing on your abs and thighs the most, and doing what you can to drop a few extra pounds before you have to squeeze into that swimsuit. There is a huge factor that many people are missing out on as they are getting ready for summer, however, and to their own detriment. That factor is the importance of core strengthening. What Exactly Is the Core? Your core muscles are a group of muscles running down the center of your body. These include your abdominal muscles, back muscles, and your pelvis. All of these muscles contribute to your overall balance and strength. How Does Core Strengthening Help? Core strengthening helps on many levels. At its most basic, your core strength comes into play in everyday activities such as lifting your groceries and vacuuming your house. Your core is your center of balance and strength for almost everything you do, especially when it comes to working out and getting in shape. A strong core can help you be more successful with all your workouts, as it gives you the best canvas to work from. How Can I Strengthen My Core?

 Stretching for Flexibility

Stretching for Flexibility 9 Guided Exercises When people consider their diet and exercise regimen and how they can improve it, they very rarely consider the benefits of simple stretching. Stretching can help you increase your balance, strength, and flexibility. Stretching for flexibility especially is beneficial in all aspects of your active life. Why You Shouldn't Overlook Stretching Stretching has so many benefits. At all levels, there are stretches that can be done to help increase your flexibility and strength, and even your balance. This can help you avoid injuries, feel limber, and give you more range of motion and energy. How Stretching and Flexibility Helps Your Workouts Stretching your muscles is a great way to prepare them for workouts of any kind, and is also a great way to cool down from a workout. Stretching before and after workouts helps work out lactic acid, prevents injury, and helps you feel less sore. Not to mention that the

 7 Toning the Tummy Exercises

Toning the Tummy      Let's face it, posture plays a part here but the tummy is a problem area for most people when it comes to getting toned and ready for bikini season. As the weather heats up, you want to be looking hot poolside and on the beach, and a toned torso is just the ticket. Here are some great tummy toning exercises you can do in your own home to get ready for summer.      Crunches Lying flat on the ground, with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, put your hands behind your head. Using your abdominal muscles and keeping your neck straight, raise your shoulders off the ground. Repeat this motion 30 times, rest, and then repeat twice.      Knee Touches Lie flat on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, and put your hands behind your ears. Keeping your posture straight, and without bending your arms, use your abdominal muscles to touch your left elbow to your right knee. Repeat this action, alternating sides, 30 times. Rest, then repeat twice.      Bicycle

 3 Perseverance Tips – Three Tips That Can Help You

3 Perseverance Tips – Three Tips That Can Help You Persevere If you want to persevere, you do not have to do much. All you need to do is keep on going until you make it to the very end. Of course, there will be obstacles that may prevent you from meeting your goals and relishing the journey, but you can overcome them and keep moving on by following the tips below. 1. Solidify Your Resolve You should start by figuring out a specific goal. Once you have determined your specific goal, you should formulate a plan with steps that you will need to take in a certain amount of time in order to reach your desired goal. You will have to develop mental strength, and put in effort and time if you want to reach your goal. If you are suffering from self-doubt and do not feel self-confident, you will need to change that. You need to believe that you can persevere if you really want to make progress. Even if your goals may seem unobtainable, you need to believe that you can overcome life’s hurdles.

 3 Ways Meditation Can Improve Your Performance

  3 Ways To Improve Your Self Belief And Grow From Your Mistakes Self esteem describes how we feel about ourselves. Our self esteem or sense of self worth is normally based on our perception of our abilities and how we believe other people accept and value us as individuals. We automatically find ourselves accepting those beliefs and they feel like 'reality' to us.  To be successful in goal setting you need to do more than just plan and write down your goals. You need to change your mind set and challenge some of the biggest fears that you have, and equally as importantly, develop your own self-belief. Goal setting can help you achieve success and happiness in your life. Remember, success in life is determined by yourself concept. You should therefore do everything in your power to improve your positive feelings about yourself while holding on to your humility.   Here are some proven ways to increase your self esteem:    - How do you feel about yourself? Self-belief is how you fe

 The historical origin of the middle finger

The historical origin of the middle finger Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers. Without the middle finger, it would be impossible to  draw the renowned English

 Competition versus Search Volume - Where's the Swe

Five Tips to a Compelling Bio Box Your bio box is the bridge between turning someone from a reader to a visitor. A great bio box can take a large percentage of a website's readers and bring them to your website. A poorly or carelessly written bio box can result in low click-throughs, even if your article was very good. How do you write a great bio box? Here are five tips. => State the Main Benefit Upfront To get someone's interest in reading the bio box the whole way through, have the benefit clearly stated right from the beginning. Don't wait till the middle or the end.  A lot of people stop reading when they get to the point where they're expecting to be "sold." You have just a split second to convince them

 Do your kids ask how to play Pokemon?

      Do your kids ask how to play Pokemon?  Your kid just came home with some playing cards that have colorful little monsters on them. If you haven’t been exposed to Pokemon before, you aren’t alone. Breathe. That’s why I’m here. I’m going to help you understand the basics of the game, and how to build a deck  Pokemon is an animated show, a series of video games, and a card game about people who collect, train, and battle the cute, weird monsters (Pokemon) that inhabit their world. In the card game, the player takes the role of of a Pokemon Trainer and battles another trainer. The cards represent the player’s collection of Pokemon, and items, other people, and tools that the Trainer can use to influence the battle. The play of the game represents the battle as the two Trainers direct their Pokemon to knock their opponent’s Pokemon out of the battle. If there is a game store where you live, they will almost certainly carry Pokemon cards. Most big retail stores carry them, too; Target and Walmart are excellent places to find deals. If your kid is interested in Pokemon, but doesn’t have any (or very few) cards, look for a theme deck (around $10 for one deck)

 So now services are not accepted as valid contribu

So now services are not accepted as valid contribution to the market place??? Puts paid to the local bussiness that is generated in a participating community. I am looking to employ a house keeper for 3 hours a week, Grange 4051 I will respect the sevice you provide, pay you a good rate and be grateful. How does a graphic artist work if not using digital media, or the consultant of any field you may require assistance with??? How do you do business now I'm asking you!

 From the 'Shopping is an Art' collection new relea

  I bring you this post because I am a licensed reseller of vast amounts of interesting information I make an art of sourcing customers with smiles.        I have, and I'll do it for you :) Blog is immediately available for this item as I exercise my Giveaway Rights  I respect copy right and owners of intellectural property. Please enjoy: Your Endless Potential Table Of Contents Table Of Contents Table Of Contents Foreword Chapter 1: The Basics Chapter 2: You Have To Envision What You Want Chapter 3: What Do You Bring To It Chapter 4: What Is Keeping You Down Chapter 5: Taking The Steps Towards Wealth Wrapping Up. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 The Basics Synopsis The more you understand about the unknown the more you really comprehend how little you understand. It makes you modest and brings you back to the domain of wonders, miracles and magic. A domain in which everything is conceivable. Please study this book with a wide-open mind. You don't have to trust everything that's written here – simply explore as a scientist would do. When you hit a passage that's hard to grasp, take a break and ponder it awhile. Let your mind process this fresh information. Read this book a couple of times, take your time and produce your own experiences. Those who truly want to attain a financially free mindset, have only to set their minds on it, and acquire the proper means, as they do in relation to any other aim which they want to achieve, and it can be easily done.   But however simple it might be to make revenue, I have no doubt many will agree it's the hardest thing in the world to hold on to it. It consists merely in spending less than we bring in; that appears to be a really simple issue. A lot of my readers might say, “we comprehend this: this is mindset, and we know mindset is wealth; we know we can’t eat our cake and have it as well.” The Basics True mindset is misconceived, and individuals go through life without properly grasping what that principle is. One says, “I've an income of so much, and here is my neighbor who has the same; yet yearly he flourishes and I fall short; why is it? I understand all about mindset.” He thinks he does, but he doesn't. There are men who believe that mindset consists in scrimping, in cutting off two cents from the wash bill and doing all sorts of little, mean things. Mindset isn't meanness. The misfortune is, likewise, that this class of individuals let their mindset apply in only one direction. They fancy they're so wonderfully frugal in saving a penny where they should spend two cents that they think they can afford to waste in other directions. Before kerosene oil was exposed, one might stop overnight at nearly any farmer’s house and get a really good supper, but after supper he may attempt to read in the living room, and would find it impossible with the ineffective light of one candle. The hostess, seeing his quandary, would state: “it's rather hard to read here evenings; we never have an additional candle except on special occasions." These special occasions happen, perhaps, twice a year. In that way the woman saves 5, 6, or 10 dollars: but the information which may be gained from having the extra light would, naturally, far outweigh a ton of candles. But the difficulty doesn't end here. Feeling that she is so frugal in candles, she believes she can afford to go often to spend 20 or 30 dollars for ribbons and frills, many of which are not essential. This false belief may frequently be seen in other instances. You find great businessmen who save old envelopes and scraps of paper. This is all OK; they might in this way save 5 or 10 dollars a year, but being so frugal (only in paper), they believe they can afford to squander time; to have expensive parties, and to drive their fancy cars. This is an illustration of “penny wise and pound foolish.” I never knew a man to succeed by applying this sort of mindset. True sound financial mindset consists in always making the profit exceed the expenditure. Wear the old clothes a bit longer if essential; give up the new pair of gloves; fix the old dress: exist on plainer food if need be; so that, under all conditions, unless some unexpected accident happens, there will be a allowance in favor of the profit. A penny here and a dollar there saved, goes on accumulating, and in that way the desired result is accomplished. It requires some training, possibly, to achieve this mindset, but when once used to it, you'll discover there's more satisfaction in rational saving than in irrational spending. Here is a formula which I advocate: I've found it to work a great cure for extravagance, and particularly for mistaken mindset. When you find that you've no surplus money at the end of the year, and yet have a great income, I advise you to take a couple of pieces of paper and mark down each item of expenditure. Post it daily or weekly in 2 columns, one headed “essentials” or even “comforts”, and the other headed “luxuries,” and you'll discover that the latter column will be double, or more, larger than the former. The true comforts of life cost but a small portion of what most of us may earn. Think of the keep up with the Jones' attitude: One may say; “there's a man who has an income of fifty thousand dollars annually, while I have but one thousand dollars; I knew that young man when he was poor like myself; now he's wealthy and thinks he's better than I am; I'll show him that I'm as good as he is; I will go and purchase a fancy car; no, I can't do that, but I'll go and rent one and ride this afternoon on the same road that he does, and therefore prove to him that I'm as good as he is.” My friend, you don't have to do all that; you may easily prove that you are “as good as he is;” you've only to behave as well as he does; but you can't make anybody feel that you're rich as he is. Also, if you act like this, and waste your time and spend your income, you'll remain poor, in order that you might keep up “appearances,” and, after all, deceive nobody. You’ll not advance in the world, if your envy forces you into debt. In this country, where we believe the majority ought to rule, we brush aside that principle in reference to style, and let a handful of individuals, calling themselves the aristocracy, run up a fake standard of perfection, and in striving to rise to that standard, we perpetually keep ourselves poor; all the time grinding away for the sake of outside appearances. How much more sensible to say, “We’ll regulate our expenditures by our income, and save something for a rainy day.” Individuals should be as sensible on the issue of money as on any other subject. Like movements produce like effects. You can't accumulate a fortune by taking the road that leads to impoverishment. Those who live beyond their means, with no thought of a setback in this life, may never attain monetary independence. Men and women used to satisfying every impulse, will find it difficult, initially, to cut back their various unnecessary expenses, and will feel it a great denial to live in a littler home than they've been accustomed to, with less expensive furniture, less pricy clothing, less entertainment, and additional extravagances; but, after all, if they'll try saving a “nest-egg,” or judiciously investing, they'll be surprised at the joy from perpetually adding to their little “bundle”. The old suit, and the old hat, will work for another season; the water tastes better than champagne; a brisk walk will prove more stimulating than a ride in the finest auto; an evening spent playing a family game will be far more pleasant than a 50 dollar night out, when you begin to know the pleasures of saving. Thousands of men are kept poor, and tens of thousands are made so after they've acquired riches, in result of living beyond their means. “Easy come, easy go,” is an old and true adage. A spirit of pridefulness and vanity, when allowed to have full sway, is the undying problem. Many individuals, as they set out to prosper, instantly start spending for luxuries, till in a short time their expenses eat up their income, and they become ruined in their absurd attempts to maintain appearances. Chapter 2: You Have To Envision What You Want Synopsis Most individuals never consider what they wish in their lives. They live without this knowledge or premeditation and become victims of their own condition. Work is simply about a job – to make do financially. Life becomes a series of troubles like choosing to live someplace because the rent is inexpensive, never realizing how to be in relationships or becoming ineffective parents. The list carries on and on. See it Inside you there's a hungering for more. Is it meaning, contact or a richer understanding of life? No one has ever acquainted such individuals with the concept of perpetual possibility. “As a man thinketh, so is he.” A major mode to manifesting the life you wish is to think over what you wish out of life. What is it that you wish to do with your life? A great exercise is to take a sheet of paper and put down the answers to the accompanying questions:* What is my deepest want? * What would I like to acheive in my lifetime? * What would I like to acheive this year? * What would I wish to acheive 5 years from now? * What would I wish to be 20 years from now * What am I great at? Check into all fields of your life: * Your line of work * Your relationships * Your wellness * Your financial state of affairs * How to have fun. (how to spend your vacations) After you've put down a list of what you wish to achieve in your life, you'll need to set priorities for them. Simply take the list that you put down and provide every topic 1 - 5 points. 1 becoming the least crucial to five points becoming the most. Now you've priorities in your life, which will help you determine where you wish your attention to be. It's an easy equation: comprehend simply that you wish to spend most of your time with the number 1 matter on your list. Spend somewhat less time with the number 2 entry on your list – and so forth for numbers 3 through 5. There's no need to slice the day into time slots. Just by doing this exercise you're programming your consciousness to spend time harmonizing with your list. Let's presume you'd like to discover your life partner in the next 2 years, and that this is your chief goal, at the very top of your list. When you check into your thought process at the end of the day and you discover that you've not spent most of your spare time addressing this goal, you've a misalignment, and you might never accomplish your goal. When this occurs merely realize it and correct accordingly. Working all day only to sit down on your couch and watch television won't get you where you wish to be. You have to take action to manifest your goal(s), for instance: * Take action, take a class * Take a weekend retreat in area of interest. * Go to a workshop that centers on your interest * Spend time in places you are able to meet individuals If your goal happens to be that you wish to be a millionaire inside 5 years, and you're spending only 5 minutes of your time every day to achieve this goal, then don't be surprised if your financial state of affairs never alters. There's another crucial aspect of

 I Love This Hat! Blog Includes Crochet Pattern

Materials: Clark's O.N.T. (5 balls) or J. & P. Coats (3 balls) Mercerized Crochet, size 30, color 9 Yellow. Milward's steel crochet hook No. 7. 2 yds. millinery wire and 2 yds. of ribbon. Crown. Beginning at tip, ch 10, join with sl st to form ring. 1st rnd: * Ch 10, s c in ring, repeat from * until 24 loops are made, then ch 6. 2nd rnd: S c in 1st loop, * ch 5, s c in next loop, repeat from * around, ending, with s c under ch-6 of previous rnd. 3rd rnd: Ch 5, s c in each loop with ch-5 between s cs. 4th rnd: * Ch 3, 5 d c under next loop, ch 3, s c in next loop, ch 4, s c in same loop, repeat frorn * until 12 5-d c groups are made, then ch 3, s c in next loop, ch 5, s c in next loop, ch 2, s c in first d c of 5-d c group. 5th rnd: Ch 5 (to count as tr and ch-1), tr in each of next 4 d c with ch-1 between each tr, * ch 4, s c in next ch-4 loop, ch 4, tr in each d c of group with ch-1 between each tr, repeat froal around. After last group of trs is made, ch 4, s c in next ch-4 loop, ch 4, sl st in 4th ch of ch-5 first made. 6th rnd: Ch 6 (to count as tr and ch-2), tr in each tr with ch-2 between trs, but omitting ch-2 between groups (that is between last tr of one group and 1st tr of next group). After last tr, join wi

 Dahlia Bedspread

Dahlia Bedspread MATERIALS: Solarized Crochet Cotton, 38 cones (800 yds) Ecru or White. Crochet hook size 8. Ch 10, join. RND 1: 18 tr in circle. RND 2: 24 sc, using back of st only. RND 3: 28 sc, using back of st only. RND 4: 36 sc, using back of st only. RND 5: 48 sc, using back of st only. RND 6: 54 sc, using back of st only. RND 7: * ch 4, skip 2 sts, 1 dc in next st, and repeat from * around. RND 8: Sc in each ch st and 3

 Shell Motif

Shell Motif Make these Medallions of fine or heavy thread and join into lovely Luncheon Sets, Table Runners, Tablecloths, Buffet Sets, Clothing or Heirloom Bed Spreads. MATERIALS-Daisy Mercerized Crochet Cotton in size 10 to 50. Crochet hook size 7 to 14. SHELL MOTIF - Square - Ch 18, dc in 9th st from hook, (ch 2, dc in next 3d st) 3 times. * Ch 5, turn, sk last dc, dc in next dc, (ch 2, dc in next dc) twice, ch 2, dc in next 3d st. Repeat from * twice. 1st Row-Ch 3, 2 dc over bar of last dc, * (dc in next st, 2 dc over next space) 3 times, dc in 3d st of corner 5-ch, ch 1, turn, sl st in last 4 dc, ch 11, sk 5 dc, sl st in next 4 sts. T

 Wedding Ring Bedspread Crochet Pattern

Wedding Ring Bedspread Crochet Pattern Make An Heirloom Gift aisy Mercerized Crochet Cotton, No. 10, or Lily Mercrochet Cord, No. 10, in Cream and Yellow. No. 7 hook. Approximate size, 83 x 100, omitting Edge across top. 8 large blocks wide by 10 long. LARGE BLOCKS——Each of these is made of 4 small blocks. SMALL BLOCKS—Large Flower—With Yellow, ch 7, making 1 st st twice usual size, 1 sc in long st, (ch 6, 1 sc in same long st) 3 times. * (1 sc, 1 h dc, 5 dc, 1 h dc and 1 sc) over next 6-ch loop. Repeat from * 3 times. 1 sl st at start of 1st petal. Fasten off. Small Flowers—With Yellow, (ch 3, 3 dc in 1st st, ch 2, 1 sl st in same 1st st) 4 times. 1 sl st at base of 1st petal. Fasten off. Make 2 of these Flowers. Sew these 3 Flowers together into a straight row, with the Large Flower in center. Join Cream to center of 1 side petal of Large Flower, * ch 11, 1 sc in center of side petal of next Small Flower, ch 6, 1 dc in end petal of same Flower, ch 11, 1 dc in same st, ch 6, 1 sc in other side petal of same Flower, ch 11, 1 sc in side petal of Large Flower. Repeat from * around. 2nd Row—Ch 1, * 11 sc over next 11-ch, 1 sc in sc, 6 sc over 6-ch, 1 sc in dc, 5 sc over half of end 1-ch, 3 sc in 6th st of same 11 -ch, 5 sc over balance of ch, 1 sc in dc, 6 sc over 6-ch, 1 sc in sc, 11 sc over 11-ch, * 1 sc in sc. Repeat from * to *. 1 sl st in 1-ch at start of row. 3rd Row—Ch 6, 1 sc in 5th st from hook, going through left-hand loop only, (ch 5, 1 sc in 1st st of this ch) 4 times, 1 sl st at base of 3d p, (ch 5, 1 sc in 1st st, 1 sl st at base of next p) twice, 1 sc in back loops of next 6 sc, * (ch 5, 1 sc in 1st st of ch) 5 times, 1 sl st at base of 3d p, (ch 5, 1 sc in 1st st, 1 sl st at base oi next p) twice, * 1 sc in back loops of next 6-sc. Now make another p-loop, repeating from * to *. ** 1 sc in next 7 sc. Make another p-loop. 1 sc in next 7 sc, ch 5, 5 tr in same st with last sc, ch 5, 1 sc in same st, (1 sc in next 7 sc. Make a p-loop) twice. ** (1 sc in next 6-sc. Make a p-loop) 4 times. Repeat from ** to **. 1 sc in 6-sc. Make a p-loop, 1 sc in 5-sc, 1 sl st in 1-ch at base of 1st p-loop. Fasten off. 4th Row——Join again to tip of 1 st p-loop of last row, * ch 7, 1 sc in next loop, ch 8, 1 sc in next loop, ch 9, 1 sc in next, ch 9, 1 tr in top of 5-ch at start of end tr-group. Now, working through both loops of sts, make (2 tr in next tr) twice, 3 tr in next, (2 tr in next) twice, 1 tr in top of next 5-ch, (ch 9, 1 sc in tip of next p-loop) twice, ch 8, 1 sc in next, ch 7, 1 sc in next. Repeat from * once. 5th Row—Ch 1, * 7 sc over next 7-ch, 1 sc in sc, 8 sc over 8-ch, (1 sc in sc, 9 sc over 9-ch) twice, 1 sc in next 13 tr, going through both loops, (9 sc over next 9-ch, 1 sc in sc) twice, 8 sc over 8-ch, 1 sc in sc, 7 sc over 7-ch, * 1 sc in sc. Repeat from * to *. 1 sl st in 1-ch at start of row. 6th Row—All sc in this row are worked through back loops only of sts. Ch 1,

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