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We have the #1 most exciting, data-driven trend reports and 3 BILLION pageviews to prove it
Trend Hunter is the world's largest, most popular, trend report and consumer insight platform because of big data and our award-winning market research methods. For context, we're 10 years old with 3 billion views of data, 3 million fans, 330,000 articles and roughly 30x more traffic than other trend firms. We're founded by a New York Times Bestselling innovation keynote speaker who grew a $1 billion portfolio for a bank, based on data, consumer insight and analytics. Leveraging that, we've created Trend Hunter like a giant innovation focus group that 140,000,000 people have been a part of, leading to the best trend report research and consumer insight because of big data. 

Learn how top innovators like Nestle,
Adidas & Target customize their dashboards
Quite Lite Shelter Assembly
The Quite Lite Shelter is a modular, light weight, easy to assemble shelter. This video shows how to assemble the shelter on the ground or on a platform.
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